
Ergebnisse 41 - 50 von 143 in 1.038 Sekunden.

10/5 Millas Ciutat de Maó 2020

Wettkämpfe[100 %]
... registration. From the 01/09 there will be no refunds whatsoever. Services included in the registration: Commemorative gift of the race FINISHER medal Web diploma with the time to download, two days after the race Other services for the athlete: Food and water in race Food and water after race ...

BEST Fest - SwimRun 2020

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BEST Fest - SwimRun, 2020, 30/05/2020, _ BEST Fest SwimRun Visit our website for more information. Event Type: Race Distance: Approximately 7.5k (@2.5k swim / @5k run) Date: Saturday 30th May 2020 Start Time: 10.30 am Start Point: Starting at Es Dolc beach, a ten-minute ...

IX Formentera All Round Trail 2020

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IX Formentera All Round Trail, 2020, 29/02/2020, Página web oficial : Track definitivo (actualizado 21-03-2017) ================================================= Aquí iremos actualizando ...

XXII Semana Internacional Masters 2019

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XXII Semana Internacional Masters, 2019, 15/10/2019, XXII SEMANA INTERNACIONAL DE CICLISMO MASTERS Pàgina Web Oficial The 22nd INTERNATIONAL MASTERS CYCLING WEEK consists of the following races: October 15th ? 18th: 22nd Challenge-Tour of Majorca for Masters. October 20th: 25th European ...

Mallorca 5000 Skyrunning 2019

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... an additional price of 10 ? per runner. Bids will be opened up to a maximum of 250 inscriptions. Payment will be made through the gateway of the web page. Requirements: Federal License Fedme, License Balear Aut2 or higher, or insurance for a day that will provide the organization . Being ...

10/5 Millas Ciutat de Maó 2019

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... Cruises). RACES: 10 Miles (16.090 km) 5 Miles (8.045 km) REGISTRATIONS: The online deadline for registrations will be the 11 September 2018, on the web page of the event Last-minute registrations in the Sea Stations Cruises (FINISH) on Friday 13/9/2019 from 5 to 8 p.m. The minimum ...

BEST Fest - The Open Water Swim Festival 2019

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BEST Fest - The Open Water Swim Festival, 2019, 31/05/2019, Visita nuestra web para más información. , Visita nuestra web para más información.

VIII OTSO Trail Menorca Camí de Cavalls CdC 2019

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... 2019, 17/05/2019, OTSO TRAIL MENORCA CAMI DE CAVALLS CdC descargar la APP oficial Resultados y seguimiento web: Seguimiento web Clasificaciones Per tenir més informació de Menorca, visita la web de la Fundació Foment del Turisme de Menorca Balearia ...

8 km Sant Ferran - La Savina 2019

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... competition. Should be under 18, you must provide a parental consent required by the organization for that purpose. The document can be downloaded from the web or from the email confirmation of registration. Return policy: No refunds will be given for any reason. Race Control: Participants who have a yellow ...

XI Mitja Marató Illa de Formentera 2019

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... durante el proceso de compra. Para obtener el 50% de descuento introduce introduce el código MEDIA2018 en la casilla ?Código Promocional? de la web de la Naviera Trasmapi ( Te recomendamos que realices tu reserva on line y que 15 días antes de tu viaje, efectúes el check in ...
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