VII Volta amb Sitra i Colla de 3 MTB 2022

Registrations Made

VII Volta amb Sitra i Colla de 3 MTB 2022
  • Date: 20/11/2022
  • Open BTT
  • Mallorca
  • City: Porreres
  • Time: 10:00
  • Registered:
  • Limit: 17/11/2022 22:00
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VII Volta amb Sitra i Colla de 3 MTB 2022

Registrations Made

Athletes signed up

Below you can see the list of all those signed up for the competition. There are currently athletes signed up for this competition.


  Name Year Gender Club Category
Team: Pou9 [C. Mercadal, J. Mesquida and J. Mesquida]
Colau Mercadal BTT
Juan Carlos Mesquida BTT
Joan Mesquida BTT
Team: Replegats [S. Ginard, J. Monserrat and J. Vidal]
Sebastià Ginard BTT
Jaume Monserrat BTT
Joan Toni Vidal BTT
Team: Gorrions Team [M. Gelabert , J. Moncadas and J. Bennassar]
Miquel Gelabert BTT
Jaime Moncadas BTT
Jaume Bennassar BTT
Team: Es Teliquets [J. Pou , M. Riera and A. Barceló]
Joan Antoni Pou BTT
Miquel Riera BTT
Adrià Barceló BTT
Team: Sin Excusas [J. Mestre, T. Lopez and J. Fernandez]
Josep Mestre BTT
Toni Lopez BTT
Jose Antonio Fernandez BTT
Team: Palma Runners Cycling Club [R. Marcé, A. Pérez and F. Rossello]
Amancio Jesús Pérez BTT
Fernando Rossello BTT
Robert Marcé BTT
Team: Calallombikers [G. Sintes, J. Sastre and L. Hidalgo ]
Gori Sintes BTT
Luis Miguel Hidalgo BTT
Juan Sastre BTT
Team: Mancor Team [A. Bestard, A. Llabres and S. Mascaro ]
Antoni Bestard BTT
Antonio Llabres BTT
Sebastia Mascaro BTT
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