8 Horas de Resistencia - Cap de Falco (PAREJAS) 2015

Registrations Made

8 Horas de Resistencia - Cap de Falco (PAREJAS) 2015
  • Date: 04/10/2015
  • Open BTT
  • Mallorca
  • Time: 09:00
  • Registered:
  • Limit: 03/10/2015 20:00
  • Fee: (Price structure)
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8 Horas de Resistencia - Cap de Falco (PAREJAS) 2015

Registrations Made

Athletes signed up

Below you can see the list of all those signed up for the competition. There are currently athletes signed up for this competition.


  Name Year Gender Club Category
Team: Parafantas Action Team [D. Jordan and J. Morla]
David Jordan BTT
Juan Morla BTT
Team: Miquel I Tomeu [T. Tugores and M. Bordoy]
Miquel Bordoy BTT
Tomeu Tugores BTT
Team: Caps Buits Bunyolins [P. Bauza and M. Cabot]
Pep Bauza BTT
Miquel Cabot BTT
Team: Moute-En Bici Master 30 [E. Sanchez and T. Quetglas]
Emilio Jose Sanchez BTT
Toni Quetglas BTT
Team: Cc Pollença [F. Mir and S. Gomez]
Francisco Mir BTT
Sebastian Gomez BTT
Team: Columbia Vidaraid [J. Arambalza and J. Roig]
Jon Ander Arambalza BTT
Juan Roig BTT
Team: Ferrobikers [F. Rubio and J. Couto]
Jose Manuel Couto BTT
Fernando Rubio BTT
Team: Liveablock Team [A. Vich and X. Cot]
Abdon Vich BTT
Xavi Cot BTT
Team: Trotadors D'Algaida-Onfitness 2 [M. Pou and J. Pascual ]
Miquel Pou BTT
Javier Onofre Pascual BTT
Team: Moute en Bici [J. Porcel and L. Ferrer]
Jose Miguel Porcel BTT
Llorenç Ferrer BTT
Team: Solan de Cabras [J. Solivellas and T. Karmany]
Joan Solivellas BTT
Tomeu Karmany BTT
Daniel Ramon BTT
Javier Esteban BTT
Team: The Gambers [O. Jimenez and J. Ludeña]
Orlando Jimenez BTT
Juan Antonio Ludeña BTT
Team: Biciarreglo Palma [J. Salmerón and R. Márquez]
Javier Salmerón BTT
Raúl Márquez BTT
Team: Biciarreglopalma - Forever Mallorca [J. Razola and M. Ginard]
Javier Razola BTT
Miguel Angel Ginard BTT
Team: Biciarreglopalma - Ironriders [D. Rayo and D. Serrano]
David Rayo BTT
David Serrano BTT
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