Duatlo de Villafranca 2014

Registrations Made

Duatlo de Villafranca 2014
  • Date: 06/09/2014
  • Duatlón
  • Mallorca
  • City: Villafranca
  • Time: 17:30
  • Registered:
  • Limit: 05/09/2014 23:00
  • Organiza: Duatlo Villafranca
  • Fee:
    13 €
    10 € *
    * Precio con chip amarillo
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Duatlo de Villafranca 2014

Registrations Made

Athletes signed up

Below you can see the list of all those signed up for the competition. There are currently athletes signed up for this competition.


  Name Year Gender Club Category
Team: Stas-2012 [S. Goryaynov and N. Goryaynova]
Stanislav Goryaynov Carrera 2400 m.
Natalia Goryaynova BTT 14 Km.
Team: Roman-2009 [R. Goryaynov and L. Marchenko]
Roman Goryaynov Carrera 2400 m.
Liubov Marchenko BTT 14 Km.
Team: Danmar2014 [D. Navarro Martinez and M. Espinoza]
Martin Espinoza Carrera 2400 m.
Daniel Navarro Martinez BTT 14 Km.
Team: Onions Team [C. Nicolau and J. París]
Jordi París Carrera 2400 m.
Colau Nicolau BTT 14 Km.
Team: Team Primos [J. Ortiz and D. Barragan]
Jorge Ortiz Carrera 2400 m.
Domingo Barragan BTT 14 Km.
Team: Roig Roca. [A. Roig and M. Roig]
Aina Roig Carrera 2400 m.
Marc Roig BTT 14 Km.
Team: J. Miró and G. Mas
Josep Miquel Miró Carrera 2400 m.
Gaspar Mas BTT 14 Km.
Team: A.A. Colònia De Sant Jordi [J. Bonet and E. Tejada]
Estrella Tejada Carrera 2400 m.
Jaume Bonet BTT 14 Km.
Team: Team Carnicas [M. Ballester and B. Galmes ]
Mateu Ballester Carrera 2400 m.
Bernat Galmes BTT 14 Km.
Team: Los Novatillos Team [R. Jimenez and K. Zarhnoun]
Khalifa Zarhnoun Carrera 2400 m.
Raul Jimenez BTT 14 Km.
Team: Papas Moli Den Xema [J. Sureda and D. Mateos ]
Jordi Sureda Carrera 2400 m.
David Mateos BTT 14 Km.
Team: Sa Riba Club Triatló [T. Tugores and M. Boned]
Toni Tugores Carrera 2400 m.
Miguel Boned BTT 14 Km.
Team: J. Adrover and C. Sancho
Carolina Sancho Carrera 2400 m.
Juan Adrover BTT 14 Km.
Team: Palma Team [J. Patricio and J. Lopez]
Juanjo Patricio Carrera 2400 m.
Juanma Lopez BTT 14 Km.
Team: M. Sanso and J. Mateu
Miquel Joan Sanso Carrera 2400 m.
Jaume Mateu BTT 14 Km.
Team: Es Gossips [M. Costa and J. Del Pozo]
Miquel Costa Carrera 2400 m.
Jose Miguel Del Pozo BTT 14 Km.
Team: Family Cracks [M. Adrover and I. Sánchez]
Inma Sánchez Carrera 2400 m.
Miguel Juan Adrover BTT 14 Km.
Team: Zipi Zape Running Team [M. Caro and R. Rubiat]
María Del Carme Caro Carrera 2400 m.
Ricard Rubiat BTT 14 Km.

Athletes signed up

  Number Name Club Year Gender Category
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