Duatlo de Costitx 2014

Registrations Made

Duatlo de Costitx 2014
  • Date: 05/10/2014
  • Duatlón
  • Mallorca
  • Time: 10:00
  • Registered:
  • Limit: 03/10/2014 21:00
  • Fee:
    15 €
    12 € *
    * Precio con chip amarillo
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Esta competición se rige por las normas de la Federación:

Federación de Triatlón (FETRIB) / (FETRI)

The athletes who participate in this competition and are not federated for 2024, will have to pay an extra fee of 5.00 &euro for a day licence.

Duatlo de Costitx 2014

Registrations Made

Athletes signed up

Below you can see the list of all those signed up for the competition. There are currently athletes signed up for this competition.


  Name Year Gender Club Category
Team: Pub 6 Kaires Llubi [P. Sampol and J. Guardiola]
Pere Antoni Sampol Carrera 4800 m.
Joan Guardiola BTT 19 Km.
Team: Sa Vileta Team #Masters 50 [R. Bennasar and B. Mayans]
Biel Mayans Carrera 4800 m.
Rafel Bennasar BTT 19 Km.
Team: Feim Lo Que Porem Team [S. Ruiz and T. Aulet]
Tia Aulet Carrera 4800 m.
Sergi Ruiz BTT 19 Km.
Team: Moniacos Fullgas [B. Gelabert and M. Sancho]
Bartomeu Gelabert Carrera 4800 m.
Miquel Àngel Sancho BTT 19 Km.
Team: Castro Team [J. Castro and D. Castro]
José María Castro Carrera 4800 m.
David Castro BTT 19 Km.
Team: No Quedaremos Los Ultimos [J. Santandreu and R. Ramis]
Juan Santandreu Carrera 4800 m.
Rafel Ramis BTT 19 Km.
Team: Hdc-Liveablock Team [J. Fernandez and T. Enseñat ]
José Miguel Fernandez Carrera 4800 m.
Toni Enseñat BTT 19 Km.
Team: Bocs Mtb Mallorca [X. Botín and N. Vidal]
Natalia Vidal Carrera 4800 m.
Xisco Botín BTT 19 Km.
Team: Clovelles Team [S. Colome and M. MUNAR]
M IMMACULADA MUNAR Carrera 4800 m.
Simo Fidel Colome BTT 19 Km.
Team: Sanudiet Farmabonnin.Com/Sanudiet [J. Miró and L. Clop]
Josep Miquel Miró Carrera 4800 m.
Lluc Clop BTT 19 Km.
Team: Costitx - Tramuntana Esport [J. Nicolau and V. Rocamora]
Vicenç Rocamora Carrera 4800 m.
Julià Nicolau BTT 19 Km.
Team: Real Bornoz [G. Lopez-Cancio and J. Lopez]
Gonzalo Lopez-Cancio Carrera 4800 m.
Juanma Lopez BTT 19 Km.
Team: J. García and R. ortega izquierdo
Jose Pablo García Carrera 4800 m.
Roberto ortega izquierdo BTT 19 Km.
Team: Y Nosotros Los Primeros Tampoco [X. Cloquell and T. Camps]
Xavier Cloquell Carrera 4800 m.
Toni Amador Camps BTT 19 Km.
Team: Team Força Juanher !!! [M. Osuna and L. Gelabert ]
Llorenç Gelabert Carrera 4800 m.
Miquel Osuna BTT 19 Km.
Team: Brother'S [M. Font and T. Font]
Tià Font Carrera 4800 m.
Miquel Font BTT 19 Km.
Team: Tallar I Xapar A Block! [B. Fiol and J. Horrach]
Bernat Fiol Carrera 4800 m.
Juan Sebastian Horrach BTT 19 Km.
Team: Ses Rates [L. Garces and J. Henares]
Laura Garces Carrera 4800 m.
Jose Henares BTT 19 Km.
Team: P. Riera and G. Alomar
Gabriel Alomar Carrera 4800 m.
Pep Riera BTT 19 Km.
Team: A.A. Colònia De Sant Jordi [J. Frau and M. Sastre]
Joan Frau Carrera 4800 m.
Miquel Sastre BTT 19 Km.
Team: G. Pons and J. Alomar
Jeroni Alomar Carrera 4800 m.
Gerard Pons BTT 19 Km.
Team: >>>>> [J. Merino and S. Ramis]
Jose Merino Carrera 4800 m.
Samuel Ramis BTT 19 Km.
Team: Ses Papallones Corraderes [M. Bibiloni and M. Florit]
Marcela Florit Carrera 4800 m.
Mercè Bibiloni BTT 19 Km.
Team: Es Pedal [I. Mateu and P. Ramis]
Pedro Ramis Carrera 4800 m.
Isidro Mateu BTT 19 Km.
Team: M. Toribio and R. Sedano
Ramon Sedano Carrera 4800 m.
Marta Toribio BTT 19 Km.

Athletes signed up

  Number Name Club Year Gender Category
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