IV Ducross Porreres 2015

Registrations Made

IV Ducross Porreres 2015
  • Date: 15/02/2015
  • Duatlón
  • Mallorca
  • City: Porreres
  • Time: 10:00
  • Registered:
  • Limit: 14/02/2015 22:00
  • Organiza: Pep LLiteres
  • Fee:
    18 €
    15 € *
    * Precio con chip amarillo
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Esta competición se rige por las normas de la Federación:

Federación de Triatlón (FETRIB) / (FETRI)

The athletes who participate in this competition and are not federated for 2024, will have to pay an extra fee of 5.00 &euro for a day licence.

IV Ducross Porreres 2015

Registrations Made

Athletes signed up

Below you can see the list of all those signed up for the competition. There are currently athletes signed up for this competition.


  Name Year Gender Club Category
Team: Team Fasseret [R. Adrover and T. Gamez ]
Toni Gamez Carrera 5000 m.
Rafel Adrover BTT 21 Km.
Team: Cuñaos Team [M. Ranz and T. Gari]
Miguel Angel Ranz Carrera 5000 m.
Toni Gari BTT 21 Km.
Team: F. Jiménez and A. Chinchilla
Antonio Chinchilla Carrera 5000 m.
Francisco Jiménez BTT 21 Km.
Team: M. Fuss and S. Cerda
Maximilian Fuss Carrera 5000 m.
Sebastia Cerda BTT 21 Km.
Team: A Peu I En Sitre [A. Aragunde and J. Fernàndez Saus]
Jordi Fernàndez Saus Carrera 5000 m.
Adrian Miguel Gerardo Aragunde BTT 21 Km.
Team: No Me Encuentro Nothing Good [R. ortega izquierdo and P. Fornes]
Pep Fornes Carrera 5000 m.
Roberto ortega izquierdo BTT 21 Km.
Team: R. Llompart and J. Cladera
Jaume Cladera Carrera 5000 m.
Rafel Llompart BTT 21 Km.
Team: Chispas Team [T. Rigo and P. Gomila]
Tomeu Rigo Carrera 5000 m.
Pau Gomila BTT 21 Km.
Team: Team Mascaro Power [G. Mascaro and J. Mascaró]
Joan Miquel Mascaró Carrera 5000 m.
Gori Mascaro BTT 21 Km.
Team: Genetes De Llevant [T. Bauçà and E. Font]
Tomeu Bauçà Carrera 5000 m.
Enric Font BTT 21 Km.
Team: Duros [D. Navarro Martinez and R. Miquel ]
Daniel Navarro Martinez Carrera 5000 m.
Rafael Miquel BTT 21 Km.
Team: Wild Bike Mallorca [G. Mayrata and J. Viedma]
Guillermo Mayrata Carrera 5000 m.
Jose Viedma BTT 21 Km.
Team: Els Campaners [M. Mascaro and A. Ferreiro]
Alexandre Ferreiro Carrera 5000 m.
Mateu Mascaro BTT 21 Km.
Team: Semen Up [A. Boutoil and O. Vazquez]
Aziz Boutoil Carrera 5000 m.
Aziz Boutoil Carrera 2000 m.
Oscar Vazquez BTT 21 Km.
Team: Debades Rem [A. Miquel and M. Mascaro]
Andreu Miquel Carrera 5000 m.
Mateo Mascaro BTT 21 Km.
Team: Binerbo Team [J. Mestre and M. Veny]
M.Antonia Veny Carrera 5000 m.
Joan Toni Mestre BTT 21 Km.

Athletes signed up

  Number Name Club Year Gender Category
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