XVIII Triatló Ciutat de Soller 2010

Registrations Made

  • Date: 25/07/2010
  • Triatlón
  • Triatlons 2010 2010  
  • Mallorca
  • Time: 10:15
  • Registered:
  • Limit: 23/07/2010 23:00
  • Fee: (Price structure)
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XVIII Triatló Ciutat de Soller 2010

Registrations Made

Athletes signed up

Below you can see the list of all those signed up for the competition. There are currently athletes signed up for this competition.


  Name Year Gender Club Category
Team: Somos Hombres... O Qué Somos!? [C. Moreno, C. Moreno and C. Moreno]
Team: - C A S A N O V A - D E N T A L - Pro Team [G. Barcelo, L. Turell and P. Casanova]
Team: Els Indioters [T. Seguí, M. Seguí and P. Pascual]
Team: Los Bici-Voladores [M. Vidal, J. Coll and X. Liceran]
Team: A. Perelló, V. Ferrer and M. Pascual
Team: Els Indiotets [A. Castro, J. Cuenca and B. Pascual]
Team: Los Valientes Masters [V. Perez, M. Garcia and C. Oliver]
Team: Los atrevidos Masters [. , J. Garrido and A. Amoros]
Team: L. Hohne, A. Stolberg and C. Henningsen
Team: Sa Milana [M. Cañellas, L. Fernández Orpi and D. Vidal]
Team: Meam Si Puc Team [V. García, C. Artés and A. Jaume]
Team: Gispert Depuracion De Aguas [E. Mora, S. Ravina and E. Mora]
Team: Tri-Playita-Y-Paella!!! [A. Megias, G. Jaume and F. Megias]
Team: X. Marti, R. Torrens and J. Andreu
Team: S. Cordero, V. Medel and V. Medel
Team: B. Bover, A. Luque and N. Orell
Team: L. Moyá, J. Peris and A. Fernández
Team: Fucking Terminators [D. Trias, X. Creus and M. Enseñat]
Team: Jaumes [J. Jaume, J. Jaume and L. Jaume]
Team: Lo Hemos Intentado [F. Julià, J. Martínez and F. Julià]
Team: El Mejor Equipo De Atletasdebalears.Com [I. Vidal, U. Elorza and F. Fernandez]
Team: Som Tres Cracks [A. Rodriguez, J. Oliver and X. Moreno]
Team: Trisapoblafast [P. Ruiz, R. Vicente and . ]
Team: Els Cuxis [A. Frau, A. Frau and A. Frau]
Team: S'Affere [. , J. Gelabert and M. Garcia]

Athletes signed up

  Number Name Club Year Gender Category Route
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