IV MTB Berganti Bikes - Lloret 2017

Registrations Made

IV MTB Berganti Bikes - Lloret 2017
  • Date: 24/09/2017
  • Open BTT
  • Mallorca
  • City: Lloret de Vistalegre
  • Time: 11:00
  • Registered:
  • Start Reg.: 08/08/2017 12:00
  • Limit: 22/09/2017 21:00
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IV MTB Berganti Bikes - Lloret 2017

Registrations Made

Athletes signed up

Below you can see the list of all those signed up for the competition. There are currently athletes signed up for this competition.


  Name Year Gender Club Category
Team: La Cuarteta- Pizzeria [M. Bois and J. Castro]
Maximiliano Bois BTT
Julio C. Castro BTT
Team: Uuupsapp Cycling Team. Mallorca Iron Riders [M. Ginard and D. Ramon]
Miguel Angel Ginard BTT
Daniel Ramon BTT
Team: J. Munar and H. Gunther
Juan Miguel Munar BTT
Herman Gunther BTT
Team: Cc Pollença [X. Mir and S. Gomez]
Xisco Mir BTT
Sebastian Gomez BTT
Team: Barbies Team [J. Nicolau and G. Padin]
Juanjo Nicolau BTT
Gilberto Omar Padin BTT
Team: Barbies Team [G. Oliver and O. Montoro ]
Oscar Montoro BTT
Guillem Oliver BTT
Team: Dumfucker [J. Martin and C. Eliz]
Carlos Eliz BTT
Jesús Martin BTT
Team: Tot Costa [G. Xuclà and A. Trobat]
Andreu Trobat BTT
Gabriel Xuclà BTT
Team: Bocs Mtb [J. Colomer and X. Botín]
Javier Colomer BTT
Xisco Botín BTT
Team: Pub6kaires Factory Team [J. Guardiola and M. Llabres]
Joan Guardiola BTT
Miquel Llabres BTT
Team: Zipi I Zape [J. Garcia and F. Alvarez ]
Jose Luis Garcia BTT
Federico Alvarez BTT
Team: Sontrobat.Com [B. Servera and M. Vives]
Biel Servera BTT
Miquel Vives BTT
Team: Ga Mtb [P. Caro and J. Rueda ]
Pablo Caro BTT
Javier Rueda BTT
Team: Llucmajor [J. Martínez and J. Vinent]
José Antonio Martínez BTT
Jose Luis Vinent BTT
Team: Sm Team [M. Valcaneras and S. Cerda]
Mateu Valcaneras BTT
Sebastia Cerda BTT
Team: Team Basan [C. San Juan and A. Barragán]
Carlos San Juan BTT
Agustín Barragán BTT
Team: Team Sancho [M. Bauçà and G. Riera]
Miquel Bauçà BTT
Guillem Riera BTT
Team: Bota Bassiots [M. Rosselló and J. Mora]
Miquel Rosselló BTT
Joan Mora BTT
Team: Teo I Biel [B. Massot and T. Salas]
Teo Salas BTT
Biel Massot BTT
Team: Bicicletes Ca'N Nadal [J. Aceituno and V. Aceituno]
Jose Carlos Aceituno BTT
Víctor Aceituno BTT
Team: Torrens Vadell, Instal•Lacions [M. Torrens and P. Gual]
Macia Torrens BTT
Pau Gual BTT
Team: Alens Espessos [T. Chapira and J. Garcias]
Toni Chapira BTT
Javier Garcias BTT
Team: Pou Y Sion [M. Pascual and J. Del Pozo]
Melchor Pascual BTT
Jose Miguel Del Pozo BTT
Team: Fang&Pols [J. Lliteras and J. Cercos]
Joan Lliteras BTT
Javier Cercos BTT
Team: B. Danus and A. Vaqer
Bernat Danus BTT
Alejandro Vaqer BTT
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