III Ferrobikers on the run BTT 2022

Registrations Made

III Ferrobikers on the run BTT 2022
  • Date: 22/10/2022
  • Open BTT
  • Mallorca
  • City: Cala d'Or
  • Time: 09:00
  • Registered:
  • Start Reg.: 08/10/2022 00:00
  • Limit: 21/10/2022 19:00
  • Fee:
    20 €
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III Ferrobikers on the run BTT 2022

Registrations Made

Athletes signed up

Below you can see the list of all those signed up for the competition. There are currently athletes signed up for this competition.


  Name Year Gender Club Category
Team: Que Pim Que Pam [M. Gonzalez and J. Galiano]
Miquel Angel Gonzalez BTT
Juan Galiano BTT
Team: Ramis/Homar [D. Ramis and F. Homar]
Dani Ramis BTT
Francesc Homar BTT
Team: Arabay [B. Salas and A. Vallcaneras]
Antonio Vallcaneras BTT
Borja Salas BTT
Team: Bicis Sancho [E. Pascual and S. Sureda]
Esteve Pascual BTT
Sebastian Sureda BTT
Team: Nuraddaina [M. Perelló and M. Toribio]
Margalida Perelló BTT
Marta Toribio BTT
Team: Sa Riba Club [J. Salamanca and J. Cladera]
Jaime Salamanca BTT
Juan José Cladera BTT
Team: Cyclocherradeta [R. Bisquera and J. Piza]
Rafael Bisquera BTT
Jordi Piza BTT
Team: Mancor Team [A. Bestard and A. Llabres]
Antoni Bestard BTT
Antonio Llabres BTT
Team: L. Galiano and M. Astorga Salvador
Luis Galiano BTT
Miguel Astorga Salvador BTT
Team: Cala d'Or ferrobikers - 3 [M. Malagon and X. Sureda ]
Manuel Malagon BTT
Xisco Sureda BTT
Team: Cala d'Or ferrobikers - 4 [B. Adrover and S. Adrover]
Bartolome Adrover BTT
Simó Adrover BTT
Team: Cala d'Or ferrobikers - 5 [J. Grimalt and M. Suñer]
Josep Antoni Grimalt BTT
Miguel Suñer BTT
Team: Cala d'Or ferrobikers - 2 [E. Cruz and D. Lopez]
Eduardo Cruz BTT
David Lopez BTT
Team: Cala d'Or ferrobikers [A. Barceló and D. Ramon]
Adrià Barceló BTT
David Ramon BTT
Team: Rodadors Race Team [M. Pou and J. Pascual ]
Miquel Pou BTT
Javier Onofre Pascual BTT
Team: Arabay Team [J. Verger and B. Verger]
Joan Verger BTT
Bartomeu Verger BTT

Athletes signed up

  Number Name Club Year Gender Category
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