II Duatló de Sant Joan 2011

Registrations Made

II Duatló de Sant Joan 2011
  • Date: 21/08/2011
  • Duatlón
  • I Challenge de Duatlons d'Estiu 2011  
  • Mallorca
  • City: Sant Joan
  • Time: 17:30
  • Registered:
  • Fee:
    15 €
    13 € *
    * Precio con chip amarillo
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II Duatló de Sant Joan 2011

Registrations Made

Athletes signed up

Below you can see the list of all those signed up for the competition. There are currently athletes signed up for this competition.


  Name Year Gender Club Category
Team: G. Munar and M. Gomis
Guillem Munar Carrera 5000 m.
Miguel Angel Gomis BTT 15 Km.
Team: Ferreteria Sant Joan [A. Bauza and M. Galmes]
Arnau Bauza Carrera 5000 m.
Miguel Galmes BTT 15 Km.
Team: M. Salamanca and M. Cornet
Marc Cornet Carrera 5000 m.
Miquel Salamanca BTT 15 Km.
Team: A. Barceló and M. Garcias
Antonio Barceló Carrera 5000 m.
Marc Garcias BTT 15 Km.
Team: A. Oliver and B. Barcelo
Antoni Oliver Carrera 5000 m.
Biel Barcelo BTT 15 Km.
Team: Noltros Toja [T. Nicolau and E. Seguí ]
Tomeu Nicolau Carrera 5000 m.
Esperanza Seguí BTT 15 Km.
Team: X. Caro and E. Amengual
Eva Amengual Carrera 5000 m.
Xisco Caro BTT 15 Km.
Team: Camena Team [A. Gaià and J. Company]
Arnau Gaià Carrera 5000 m.
Joan Company BTT 15 Km.
Team: T. Lliteres and T. Llinas
Toni Lliteres Carrera 5000 m.
Toni Llinas BTT 15 Km.
Team: M. Garcias and T. Obrador
Toni Obrador Carrera 5000 m.
Miquel Angel Garcias BTT 15 Km.
Team: Bufffff! [A. Riera and M. Mestre]
Antonia Riera Carrera 5000 m.
Mateu Mestre BTT 15 Km.
Team: Ben Malalts [J. Gomila and J. Caldentey ]
Joan Gomila Carrera 5000 m.
Joan Caldentey BTT 15 Km.
Team: J. Pascual and M. Mascaró
Juan Pascual Carrera 5000 m.
Miquel Ángel Mascaró BTT 15 Km.
Team: C. Galmés and R. Rubiat
Catalina Galmés Carrera 5000 m.
Ricard Rubiat BTT 15 Km.
Team: Malalts De Turmell [M. Oliver and P. Colom]
Mateu Oliver Carrera 5000 m.
Pere Joan Colom BTT 15 Km.

Athletes signed up

  Number Name Club Year Gender Category
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