IX Duatló Popular de Sa Coma 2014

Registrations Made

IX Duatló Popular de Sa Coma 2014
  • Date: 15/08/2014
  • Duatlón
  • Mallorca
  • Location: Punta den Amer
  • City: S'illot
  • Time: 18:00
  • Registered:
  • Limit: 15/08/2014 14:00
  • Organiza: Agrupació Esportiva Manacor
  • Fee:
    16 €
    13 € *
    * Precio con chip amarillo
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Esta competición se rige por las normas de la Federación:

Federación de Triatlón (FETRIB) / (FETRI)

The athletes who participate in this competition and are not federated for 2024, will have to pay an extra fee of 5.00 &euro for a day licence.

IX Duatló Popular de Sa Coma 2014

Registrations Made

Athletes signed up

Below you can see the list of all those signed up for the competition. There are currently athletes signed up for this competition.


  Name Year Gender Club Category
Team: Innova Dental [M. Servera and J. Nicolau]
Marga Servera Carrera 3000 m.
Juanjo Nicolau BTT 4000 m.
Team: The Simplest Way [M. Bennasar and D. Rigo]
Miguel Pascual Bennasar Carrera 3000 m.
Daniel Rigo BTT 4000 m.
Team: Molfort [A. Gómez and J. Molinero]
Alberto Gómez Carrera 3000 m.
Juan Molinero BTT 4000 m.
Team: Ja Som Dos [J. Bisquerra and T. Bauza]
Juan Bisquerra Carrera 3000 m.
Toni Bauza BTT 4000 m.
Team: J. Gomila and M. Fullana
Joan Gomila Carrera 3000 m.
Margarita Fullana BTT 4000 m.
Team: Promeses [J. Llull and B. Forteza]
Bernat Forteza Carrera 3000 m.
Joan Llull BTT 4000 m.
Team: Mallorcatrainnig M3t [G. Alomar and J. Salmerón]
Gabriel Alomar Carrera 3000 m.
Javier Salmerón BTT 4000 m.
Team: Vicens Team [M. Ballester and M. Vicens ]
Mateu Ballester Carrera 3000 m.
Miquel Vicens BTT 4000 m.
Team: Zipi Zape Running Team [M. Caro and R. Rubiat]
María Del Carme Caro Carrera 3000 m.
Ricard Rubiat BTT 4000 m.
Team: A. Muñoz and J. Riera
Juan Carlos Riera Carrera 3000 m.
Albert Muñoz BTT 4000 m.
Team: Malalts De Turmell 1 [J. Fullana and J. Gomila]
Joan Gomila Carrera 3000 m.
Jeroni Pep Fullana BTT 4000 m.
Team: Trepitja Terrossos [A. Gomila and M. Rosselló]
Miquel Rosselló Carrera 3000 m.
Antoni Gomila BTT 4000 m.
Team: Cuñaos Team [M. Jimenez and J. Terrades]
Manuel Jimenez Carrera 3000 m.
Joan Terrades BTT 4000 m.
Team: A. Cobacho and M. Adrover
Andres Jesus Cobacho Carrera 3000 m.
Matías Adrover BTT 4000 m.
Team: L.Binimelis Y N. Barba [N. Barba and L. Binimelis]
Laura Binimelis Carrera 3000 m.
Nazaret Barba BTT 4000 m.
Team: The Gossip Inc. [M. Costa and J. Del Pozo]
Miquel Costa Carrera 3000 m.
Jose Miguel Del Pozo BTT 4000 m.
Team: Bocs Mtb Mallorca [X. Botín and N. Vidal]
Natalia Vidal Carrera 3000 m.
Xisco Botín BTT 4000 m.
Team: Establimenters Duo [D. Moreno and J. Juaneda ]
David Moreno Carrera 3000 m.
Jaime Juaneda BTT 4000 m.
Team: Malalts-Bicis Sancho [T. Melis and T. Pascual]
Toni Melis Carrera 3000 m.
Toni Pascual BTT 4000 m.
Team: C. Puigros and J. Adrover
Clara Puigros Carrera 3000 m.
Juan Adrover BTT 4000 m.
Team: P. Dolz and J. Fernandez
Pedro José Dolz Carrera 3000 m.
Jose Antonio Fernandez BTT 4000 m.
Team: Kartoffen'S Ses Rambles [G. Veny and J. Pujadas]
Jaume Pujadas Carrera 3000 m.
Gabriel Angel Veny BTT 4000 m.
Team: Gimnas Manacor [M. Riera and M. Mesquida]
Mateu Riera Carrera 3000 m.
Marti Mesquida BTT 4000 m.
Team: Los Caravaning [M. Adrover and I. Sánchez]
Inma Sánchez Carrera 3000 m.
Miguel Juan Adrover BTT 4000 m.
Team: Ningu Entrena [M. Gelabert and A. Brempel]
Maria Antonia Gelabert Carrera 3000 m.
Alexander Onofre Brempel BTT 4000 m.

Athletes signed up

  Number Name Club Year Gender Category
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