4 Hores Resistencia MTB Puig de Sant Marti 2015

Registrations Made

4 Hores Resistencia MTB Puig de Sant Marti 2015
  • Date: 15/02/2015
  • Open BTT
  • Mallorca
  • Time: 10:00
  • Registered:
  • Limit: 14/02/2015 20:00
  • Fee:
    23 €
    20 € *
    * Precio con chip amarillo
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4 Hores Resistencia MTB Puig de Sant Marti 2015

Registrations Made

Athletes signed up

Below you can see the list of all those signed up for the competition. There are currently athletes signed up for this competition.


  Name Year Gender Club Category
Team: Podemos [J. Alou and J. Vadell]
Juan Vadell BTT
Joan Josep Alou BTT
Team: Es Pedal 1 [A. Vazquez and P. Gelabert]
Pedro Gelabert BTT
Amadeo Vazquez BTT
Team: J R Team [J. Martorell and R. Camara]
Jose Antonio Martorell BTT
Raul Camara BTT
Team: Llorencins Team [A. Gomila and B. Ballester]
Antoni Gomila BTT
Biel Ballester BTT
Team: A. Alcalá and M. Ayala
Miguel Ayala BTT
Antonio Alcalá BTT
Team: Team Requena Mixto [J. Galiano and M. Sancho]
Juan Galiano BTT
María Del Mar Sancho BTT
Team: G. Julia and B. Adrover
Bartolome Adrover BTT
Guillem Julia BTT
Team: Bimont [A. Vicens and J. Luna]
Antoni Vicens BTT
Juan Luna BTT
Team: Biciarreglopalma [R. Márquez and J. Salmerón]
Raúl Márquez BTT
Javier Salmerón BTT
Team: Mataos [J. Capó and S. Georgiev]
Jaume Capó BTT
Sevdalin Georgiev BTT
Team: G.E. Ciclos Quintana [S. Sierra and M. Soto]
Maria del Carmen Soto BTT
Santiago Sierra BTT
Team: Port Bar San Agustin [H. Wright and C. Wright]
Harry Wright BTT
Chris Wright BTT
Team: Xmtb.Es [F. Jaume and A. Serra]
Francisco Xavier Jaume BTT
Andreu Serra BTT
Team: Mou-Te En Bici+40 [L. Ferrer and J. Porcel]
Llorenç Ferrer BTT
Jose Miguel Porcel BTT
Team: Mallorca Ironriders/Biciarreglopalma [D. Serrano and D. Rayo ]
David Rayo BTT
David Serrano BTT
Team: Mouteenbici Mixto [P. Widman and M. Boncea]
Peter Widman BTT
Maria Boncea BTT
Team: Team Ciclos Requena [S. López and T. Camarasa]
Sebastià López BTT
Toni Camarasa BTT
Team: Biciarreglopalma/Podarcis [E. Zamora and D. Ramon]
Emilio Zamora BTT
Daniel Ramon BTT
Team: L'Altura Sport-Club [G. Campaner and F. Ripoll ]
Guiem Campaner BTT
Francisco Ripoll BTT
Team: O. Lindblom and H. Jonsson
Oliver Lindblom BTT
Hannes Jonsson BTT
Team: Mou- Te En Bici+30 [J. Sanabria, T. Quetglas and E. Sanchez]
Toni Quetglas BTT
Emilio Jose Sanchez BTT
Team: Hagströmska-SpåRvägen [S. Lindquist and L. Kitzberger]
Simon Lindquist BTT
Ludvig Kitzberger BTT
Team: Eskilstuna Ck 1 [G. Mateo and S. William]
Grip Mateo BTT
Saarela William BTT
Team: Caps Buits [M. Cabot and P. Bauza]
Miquel Cabot BTT
Pep Bauza BTT
Team: Suñer I Moragues [M. Suñer and A. Moragues]
Miguel Suñer BTT
Antoni Moragues BTT
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