II Duatlo Cross Son Valls 2014

Registrations Made

II Duatlo Cross Son Valls 2014
  • Date: 01/02/2014
  • Duatlón
  • Mallorca
  • Time: 10:00
  • Registered:
  • Limit: 31/01/2014 22:00
  • Fee:
    14 €
    11 € *
    * Precio con chip amarillo
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Esta competición se rige por las normas de la Federación:

Federación de Triatlón (FETRIB) / (FETRI)

The athletes who participate in this competition and are not federated for 2024, will have to pay an extra fee of 5.00 &euro for a day licence.

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II Duatlo Cross Son Valls 2014

Registrations Made

Athletes signed up

Below you can see the list of all those signed up for the competition. There are currently athletes signed up for this competition.


  Name Year Gender Club Category
Team: Chispas Team [T. Rigo and P. Gomila]
Tomeu Rigo Carrera 5000 m.
Pau Gomila BTT 6700 m.
Team: L. López and G. Aceituno
Leonor López Carrera 5000 m.
Gregorio Aceituno BTT 6700 m.
Team: Son Nadal Team [G. Amengual and C. Amengual]
Cristofol Amengual Carrera 5000 m.
Gabriel Amengual BTT 6700 m.
Team: Ara Venim [D. Garrido and J. Soto]
David Garrido Carrera 5000 m.
Juan manuel Soto BTT 6700 m.
Team: M. Mas and P. Quetglas
Pere Quetglas Carrera 5000 m.
Miguel Mas BTT 6700 m.
Team: C. Puigros and J. Adrover
Clara Puigros Carrera 5000 m.
Juan Adrover BTT 6700 m.
Team: Ja Som Aqui !!! [A. Guillen and I. Torres]
Inmaculada Torres Carrera 5000 m.
Alejandro Guillen BTT 6700 m.
Team: C.C.Manacori -Moixos- [J. Duran and J. Riera]
Jaume Duran Carrera 5000 m.
Juan Daniel Riera BTT 6700 m.
Team: Binerbo Team [J. Mestre and M. Veny]
M.Antonia Veny Carrera 5000 m.
Joan Toni Mestre BTT 6700 m.
Team: Sanchos [C. Sancho and N. Grimalt]
Carolina Sancho Carrera 5000 m.
Nofre Grimalt BTT 6700 m.
Team: C. Puigròs and J. Puigros
Catalina Puigròs Carrera 5000 m.
Jaume Pau Puigros BTT 6700 m.
Team: P. Mateos and B. Martínez
Pedro Mateos Carrera 5000 m.
Borja Martínez BTT 6700 m.
Team: Ginets Team [J. Manresa and J. Vadell]
Jaume Manresa Carrera 5000 m.
Juan Vadell BTT 6700 m.
Team: J. Morey and P. Reynes
Pere Antoni Reynes Carrera 5000 m.
Javier Morey BTT 6700 m.
Team: Herbes Tunel I [M. Sanchez and A. Amengual]
Antoni Amengual Carrera 5000 m.
Miguel Angel Sanchez BTT 6700 m.
Team: Son Valls Team [B. Bover and A. Oliver]
Andreu Oliver Carrera 5000 m.
Bernat Bover BTT 6700 m.
Team: D. Reus and G. Simó
Gabriel Simó Carrera 5000 m.
Daniel Reus BTT 6700 m.
Team: Joan Capó [N. Boeckler and P. Ramírez]
Nadine Boeckler Carrera 5000 m.
Patricia Ramírez BTT 6700 m.

Athletes signed up

  Number Name Club Year Gender Category
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