4 horas resistencia MTB 2×2 ( Son Veri) 2014

Registrations Made

4 horas resistencia MTB 2×2 ( Son Veri) 2014
  • Date: 02/11/2014
  • Open BTT
  • Mallorca
  • Time: 10:00
  • Registered:
  • Limit: 01/11/2014 22:00
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4 horas resistencia MTB 2×2 ( Son Veri) 2014

Registrations Made

Athletes signed up

Below you can see the list of all those signed up for the competition. There are currently athletes signed up for this competition.


  Name Year Gender Club Category
Team: Poferos [Y. Alpizar and J. Rey]
Yaroslav Alpizar BTT
Jose Antonio Rey BTT
Team: Team Cachalotes [A. Riera and M. Pascual]
Miquel Pascual BTT
Albert Riera BTT
Team: Team Cachalotes 2 [J. Oliver and B. Galmes ]
Jaume Oliver BTT
Bernat Galmes BTT
Team: Amarillo Limón [J. Tugores and J. Román]
José Román BTT
Joan Sebastià Tugores BTT
Team: Toysteam Verdadero [B. Vidal and A. Vidal]
Bartolome Vidal BTT
Andreu Vidal BTT
Team: Ses Sitres De Porreres [A. Aragunde and J. Trobat]
Adrian Miguel Gerardo Aragunde BTT
Juan Carlos Trobat BTT
Team: Cantarins Team [M. Mesquida and T. Gari]
Miquel Mesquida BTT
Toni Gari BTT
Team: Adrover'S Team. [R. Adrover and G. Adrover]
Rafel Adrover BTT
Guillem Adrover BTT
Team: Tramontana Bikes - Tramontares [A. Palos torrente and C. Llabres]
Antoni josep Palos torrente BTT
Carlos Llabres BTT
Team: Team Rad International 1 [M. Nothegger and H. Sandner]
Mathias Nothegger BTT
Harald Sandner BTT
Team: Team Rad International 2 [L. Fernández Orpi and J. Ramis]
Luís Marcelino Fernández Orpi BTT
Juan Jeronimo Ramis BTT
Team: Team Rad International 3 [K. Michael and J. Fernandez]
Kuttler Michael BTT
Jose Antonio Fernandez BTT
Team: Biciarreglopalma [E. Zamora and D. Ramon]
Emilio Zamora BTT
Daniel Ramon BTT
Team: M. Mas and J. Maimo
Miguel Mas BTT
Jaime Maimo BTT
Team: Biciarreglo Palma. Mallorca Iron Riders [M. Ginard and J. Riera]
Miguel Angel Ginard BTT
Juan Francisco Riera BTT
Team: Avg´S Power [F. Bautista and A. Vich]
Francisco Javier Bautista BTT
Abdon Vich BTT
Team: Cc Cala D'Or [A. Lopez and J. Couto]
Jose Manuel Couto BTT
Angel Lopez BTT
Team: Friends Team And Beers [B. Moreno and A. Pons]
Bartolome Moreno BTT
Andres Pons BTT
Team: A. Oliver and A. Puig
Agnes Oliver BTT
Angela Puig BTT
Team: Bocs Mtb - Sa Colomerada Rocks! [J. Colomer and J. Colom]
Javier Colomer BTT
Juan Colom BTT
Team: Es Darrers [M. Palmer and M. Mut]
Marcos Mut BTT
Miguel Palmer BTT
Team: Traumatolocos Btt [J. Catalan and X. Botín]
Jose Miguel Catalan BTT
Xisco Botín BTT
Team: Club Ciclista Sa Indioteria [N. Pizá and E. Jiménez]
Emilio Jiménez BTT
Nicolau Pizá BTT
Team: Sbmt De Luxe [M. Gonzalez and R. Villa ]
Miquel Angel Gonzalez BTT
Rolando Villa BTT
Team: Tira Tira [A. Molina and J. Vargas]
Antonio Molina BTT
Jorge Vargas BTT
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