VIII Totaltri Mallorca 2018

Registrations Made

VIII Totaltri Mallorca 2018
  • Date: 03/06/2018
  • Triatlón
  • Mallorca
  • City: Cala Millor
  • Time: 08:00
  • Registered:
  • Start Reg.: 28/09/2017 00:00
  • Limit: 29/05/2018 21:00
  • Organiza: Agrupació Esportiva Manacor
  • Fee:
    Price structure
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VIII Totaltri Mallorca 2018

Registrations Made

Athletes signed up

Below you can see the list of all those signed up for the competition. There are currently athletes signed up for this competition.


  Name Year Gender Club Category
Team: Pulsa Media Consulting [R. Suescun, X. Lerin and E. Bascón]
Xavier Lerin Natación 1900 m.
Ruben Suescun Ciclismo 90 Km.
Edgar Bascón Carrera 21 Km.
Team: Viva Hoteles [P. Gual, J. Sainz De Los Terreros and A. Ballester]
Pau Gual Natación 1900 m.
Antonio Ballester Ciclismo 90 Km.
Jacobo Sainz De Los Terreros Carrera 21 Km.
Team: Kiki'S Team [E. Terrassa, E. Ruegg and C. Correa]
Enric Terrassa Natación 1900 m.
Eugen Ruegg Ciclismo 90 Km.
Cristobal Correa Carrera 21 Km.
Team: V. Benavides and A. Marti
Victoria Benavides Natación 1900 m.
Aina Marti Ciclismo 90 Km.
Victoria Benavides Carrera 21 Km.
Team: Tamojunto! [T. Bauza, M. Estarellas and L. Adrover ]
Team: Menea Perreaaa [P. Buades and D. Menea]
Team: Club Esportiu Rovellats [J. Rodríguez and M. Bover]
Team: Trident [A. Cerdá, J. De La Flor and T. Riutort]
Team: Actn3 [A. Fullana and M. Gonzalez]
Team: Tri-Tafad [J. Mestre, M. López and A. Cañellas]
Team: Albert Torres Palma Beach [D. Bou, I. Valladolid and A. Miquel]
Team: Conectabalear-Palmafutsal Triatlón [F. Gómez and R. Moya]
Team: Discipulos De Tereza [U. Ros, D. Villasur and C. Dameris ]
Team: Swimbikerun Bitch [A. Perelló, M. Perello and L. Fernandez]
Team: F. Binimelis, M. Manresa and M. Rigo
Team: Proturhotels Tiger´S Team [D. Gutierrez, C. Valdéz and K. Gross]
Team: Tarjeta Vermella [J. Mendoza, A. Miquel and L. Sanchez]
Team: Trifarsants Team [K. Rover, T. Arrom and T. Siquier]
Team: Ideograma Coworking [X. Serra, L. Oliver and J. Lliteras]
Team: GLOBAL TRAINING [D. Fernandez, M. Rodríguez and X. Garau]
Dolores Fernandez Natación 1900 m.
Miguel Ángel Rodríguez Ciclismo 90 Km.
Xisca Garau Carrera 21 Km.
Team: Dos+Una [R. González, A. Abraham and I. Portillo]
Team: O. Castro and L. Siquier
Oscar Castro Natación 1900 m.
Oscar Castro Ciclismo 90 Km.
Liniu Siquier Carrera 21 Km.
Team: Proturhotels Revelation [J. Brown, N. Nadal and J. Puigserver]
Team: Proturhotels Coemsa 100% [A. Gutiérrez, S. Galmés and J. Regalado]
Team: Duet Cycling Friendly [N. Fernández , V. Fernandez and A. Coll ]

Athletes signed up

  Number Name Club Year Gender Category Route
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