V Volta amb Sitra i Colla de 3 MTB 2018

Registrations Made

V Volta amb Sitra i Colla de 3 MTB 2018
  • Date: 18/11/2018
  • Open BTT
  • Mallorca
  • City: Porreres
  • Time: 10:00
  • Registered:
  • Limit: 16/11/2018 23:59
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V Volta amb Sitra i Colla de 3 MTB 2018

Registrations Made

Athletes signed up

Below you can see the list of all those signed up for the competition. There are currently athletes signed up for this competition.


  Name Year Gender Club Category
Team: Muniesa-Vall-Oliver [J. Muniesa, J. Vall and J. Ángel]
Juan Vall BTT
Javier Muniesa BTT
José Luis Ángel BTT
Team: Vicenç Reynes 2 [A. Girona, A. Forteza and C. Girona]
Albert Girona BTT
Antònia Forteza BTT
Carles Girona BTT
Team: Sastre-Clemente-Noguera [J. Sastre, F. Homar and J. Noguera]
Juan Sastre BTT
Francesc Jaume Homar BTT
Jaume Noguera BTT
Team: Hernandez-Rigo-Vadell [P. Hernandez , S. Rigo and G. Vadell]
Pedro Mateu Hernandez BTT
Sebastià Rigo BTT
Guillem Bartomeu Vadell BTT
Team: Martorell-Barcelo-Fernandez [J. Martorell, S. Barcelo and J. Fernàndez Saus]
Jaume Martorell BTT
Sebastian Barcelo BTT
Jordi Fernàndez Saus BTT
Team: Ruiz-Gonzalez-Xampeny [O. Ruiz , J. Gonzalez and X. Xampeny]
Oscar Ruiz BTT
Javier Gonzalez BTT
Xavier Xampeny BTT
Team: Reus-Adrover-Mesquida [D. Reus, R. Adrover and C. Mesquida ]
Daniel Reus BTT
Rafel Adrover BTT
Carles Mesquida BTT
Team: Vich-Vicens-Serra [A. Vich, A. Vicens and M. Serra]
Abdon Vich BTT
Antoni Vicens BTT
Miguel Serra BTT
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