VIII Artiem Half Menorca Triatlón 2023

Einzelheiten des Wettkampfs

  • Datum: 24/09/2023
  • Triatlón
  • Menorca
  • Ort: Fornells
  • Ort: Fornells
  • Uhrzeit: 07:30
  • Beginn Anmeldung: 19/12/2022 00:01
  • Limit: 21/09/2023 23:59
  • Organiza: EliteChip
  • Gebühren:
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Esta competición se rige por las normas de la Federación:

Federación de Triatlón (FETRIB) / (FETRI)

Sportler, die an diesem Wettkampf teilnehmen und nicht dem Verband angehören, müssen für die Tageslizenz eine Gebühr in Höhe von 10.00 € entrichten.

Weitere Wettkämpfe

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15/03/2025 | mallorca

VIII Artiem Half Menorca Triatlón 2023

Einzelheiten des Wettkampfs

Official webside ARTIEM HALF MENORCA 

 Artiem Half Menorca - 2023 

Sponsered by: 











If you have any doubts or questions, don't hesitate and contact with Elitechip's team. 

2023 PRICES:

Anmerkungen Anmeldung




Travel to any Balearic Island to participate in our events and  you can benefit from our discount codes.

 Rout that goes to Alcúdia-Ciutadella / Ciutadella-Alcúdia, discount of 25% with the code: ELITEMENORCA25

The others routs by the Mediterranian sea, discount of 20% with the code: ELITE20

Is indispensable to present the race register to get the boarding pass.


ELITE20: Link here


Book your rental car with Autos Menorca and you will get a discount of the 10% with the price of  the rent. Do“click” here  and you will see the vehicles with the discount applicated. Promotion valid for participants and family members registered in any Elitechip's event in 2023.

We encorauge you to explore our landscapes diversity, to dive into our waters, to take part in our costums and traditions, to savour our gastronomy... Dare to feel a whole new world of new sensations in this privileged place in the middle of the Mediterranean and share your experience with everyone.

Visit the web:



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