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'Feim Kilòmetres' amb el mètode Galloway, el campió de la Copa de curses de Muntanya i Rocky Balboa

News[100 %]
... amb la participació dels amics de Menorca Trainers i de l'speaker Dino Gelabert, Com cada dilluns va arribar ahir una nova entrega del programa més espotiu de la radio a les Illes Balears, 'Feim Kilòmetres'. Joan Martí i Mercè Valero han entrevistat per aquesta ocasió al periodista de TV3 i maratonià, ...

10/5 Milles Ciutat de Maó 2023

Competitions[100 %]
... when they collect their race number. (Don't forget to return the chip on finish line.) ** Only face-to-face registrations will be made if there are spots available on May 26, 2023. In this edition, ? 2 from each inscription will be allocated to the AECC- Spanish Association against Cancer. Registration ...

The Meadower- Menorca 2023

Competitions[100 %]
... effort and time taken to overcome the obstacle. Athletes must make a serious attempt to overcome the obstacle. If not, they will be disqualified on the spot. The athlete must start the obstacle from the line or the platform or the starting structure of the obstacle duly marked by the organisation. ...

10/5 Milles Ciutat de Maó 2022

Competitions[100 %]
... when they collect their race number. (Don't forget to return the chip on finish line.) ** Only face-to-face registrations will be made if there are spots available on May 27, 2022. In this edition, ? 2 from each inscription will be allocated to the AECC- Spanish Association against Cancer., Registration ...
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