Mallorca 5000 Skyrunning 2022

Registrations Made

Mallorca 5000 Skyrunning 2022
  • Date: 22/10/2022
  • Cursa per Muntanya
  • Mallorca
  • Location: Soller
  • City: Soller
  • Time: 06:00
  • Registered:
  • Start Reg.: 22/05/2022 09:00
  • Limit: 11/10/2022 23:59
  • Fee:
    Price structure
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Esta competición se rige por las normas de la Federación:

Federació Balear de Muntanyisme i Escalada 2024

The athletes who participate in this competition and are not federated for 2024, will have to pay an extra fee of 10.00 &euro for a day licence.

Mallorca 5000 Skyrunning 2022

Registrations Made

Athletes signed up

Below you can see the list of all those signed up for the competition. There are currently athletes signed up for this competition.


  Name Year Gender Club Category
Team: D. Morales, P. Rico and A. Oriola
David Morales Carrera 13 Km.
Pablo Rico Carrera 16 Km.
Andrea Oriola Carrera 22 Km.
Team: 3 Replegats [P. Amengual, P. Mora and J. Vilanova]
Pau Mora Carrera 13 Km.
Jaume Vilanova Carrera 16 Km.
Pep Toni Amengual Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Team Boc [M. Morell, M. Perello and E. Valenzuela]
Miguel Angel Morell Carrera 13 Km.
Marc Perello Carrera 16 Km.
Emilio Valenzuela Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Asfalt Team [B. Valls, X. Santandreu and B. Mestre]
Bartomeu Marc Mestre Carrera 13 Km.
Bernat Valls Carrera 16 Km.
Xisco Santandreu Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Los Galácticos [P. Jimenez, P. Cladera and J. Borras]
Pedro Cladera Carrera 13 Km.
Pedro Jimenez Carrera 16 Km.
Jaume Borras Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Power Girls [H. Bellini, M. Portela and J. Fuster]
Joana Maria Fuster Carrera 13 Km.
Myriam Portela Carrera 16 Km.
Helena Bellini Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Més Power Girls [L. Gallego, N. Simón and C. Piñero ]
Laura Gallego Carrera 13 Km.
Núria Simón Carrera 16 Km.
Carmen Piñero Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Tot Suma [R. Figuera, T. Lliteres and M. Matas ]
Rafel Figuera Carrera 13 Km.
Tomeu Lliteres Carrera 16 Km.
Miquel Angel Matas Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Al Liooo [C. Vives, J. Limon and J. Beltran]
Cati Vives Carrera 13 Km.
Juan Miguel Limon Carrera 16 Km.
Jose Manuel Beltran Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Son Pinar [J. Nicolau, T. Nicolau and P. Sans]
Joan Nicolau Carrera 13 Km.
Toni Nicolau Carrera 16 Km.
Pep Miquel Sans Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Los Cafeteros [J. Repiso, J. Tortella and A. Bonafe]
Joan Tortella Carrera 13 Km.
Jose Angel Repiso Carrera 16 Km.
Angel Bonafe Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Aquesta I Pus [M. Melendez, C. Miralles and F. Consuegra]
Michele Melendez Carrera 13 Km.
Catalina Miralles Carrera 16 Km.
Francisco Consuegra Carrera 22 Km.
Team: M. Capllonch, A. Fuster and M. Cerda
Antònia Fuster Carrera 13 Km.
Melania Capllonch Carrera 16 Km.
Marti Cerda Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Foracorrer Galego [J. Perello, F. Nigorra and J. Fernandez]
Javier Fernandez Carrera 13 Km.
Javier Perello Carrera 16 Km.
Francisco Javier Nigorra Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Diaita Senior [T. Mir, P. Serra and L. Socias]
Toni Mir Carrera 13 Km.
Pep Joan Serra Carrera 16 Km.
Llorenç Socias Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Perello Mobles [R. Perello, G. Amengual and J. Morro]
Gaspar Amengual Carrera 13 Km.
Ramon Perello Carrera 16 Km.
Joan Andreu Morro Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Carboners [L. Mir, P. Mir and P. Colomar]
Llorenç Mir Carrera 13 Km.
Pep Mir Carrera 16 Km.
Pau Colomar Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Uep [N. Serra, M. Trujillo and M. Torres]
Nadal Serra Carrera 13 Km.
Miguel Angel Torres Carrera 16 Km.
Marc Trujillo Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Powers [P. González, M. Llompart and A. Vidal]
Paula González Carrera 13 Km.
Margarida Llompart Carrera 16 Km.
Aina Vidal Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Despistados [M. Ibarra, M. Escuin Díaz and I. Oquero]
Ma Magdalena Ibarra Carrera 13 Km.
Mariano Escuin Díaz Carrera 16 Km.
Indhira Oquero Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Sa Riba Team [J. Alvarez, T. Sastre and N. Comas]
Joan Miquel Alvarez Carrera 13 Km.
Tòfol Sastre Carrera 16 Km.
Natalia Comas Carrera 22 Km.
Team: S'Esclat Club Sineu [P. Sempere, R. Pulido and T. Jaume]
Tomeu Xavier Jaume Carrera 13 Km.
Rafael Eloy Pulido Carrera 16 Km.
Pau Sempere Carrera 22 Km.
Team: N. Guirado, B. Perez and D. García
Natividad Guirado Carrera 13 Km.
Benito Perez Carrera 16 Km.
David García Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Qui fa lu que pot, no està obligat a més [L. Martorell, G. Socias and A. Amengual]
Aina Amengual Carrera 13 Km.
Laura Martorell Carrera 16 Km.
Guillem Socias Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Spartan'S Academy [G. Colombo, M. Real and J. Rossiñol]
Marta Maria Real Carrera 13 Km.
Giacomo Colombo Carrera 16 Km.
Jaume Rossiñol Carrera 22 Km.

Athletes signed up

  Number Name Club Year Gender Category
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