3 Hores Resistencia BTT Son Servera 2016

Registrations Made

3 Hores Resistencia BTT Son Servera 2016
  • Date: 22/05/2016
  • Open BTT
  • Mallorca
  • City: Son Servera
  • Time: 10:00
  • Registered:
  • Limit: 20/09/2016 23:59
  • Organiza: Bicicletes Sancho
  • Fee: (Price structure)
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3 Hores Resistencia BTT Son Servera 2016

Registrations Made

Athletes signed up

Below you can see the list of all those signed up for the competition. There are currently athletes signed up for this competition.


  Name Year Gender Club Category
Team: Meam Si Torn Racing Team [M. Ferrer and G. Ferrer ]
Miquel Ferrer BTT
Gabriel Ferrer BTT
Team: Llucmapowers [L. Hidalgo and R. Secilla Expósito]
Luis Miguel Hidalgo BTT
Rafael Secilla Expósito BTT
Team: Churritos Tem [A. Sierra and B. Sierra Fernandez]
Antonio Sierra BTT
Berna Sierra Fernandez BTT
Team: Tomeu I Lluis [T. Jaume and J. Garcia]
Tomeu Jaume BTT
Jose Luis Garcia BTT
Team: Kartofen'S [J. Gelabert and P. Pujadas]
Joan Gelabert BTT
Pedro Pujadas BTT
Team: Mou-Te En Bici [J. Porcel and L. Ferrer]
Jose Miguel Porcel BTT
Llorenç Ferrer BTT
Team: Team Mou-Te En Bici M30 [E. Sanchez and T. Quetglas]
Emilio Jose Sanchez BTT
Toni Quetglas BTT
Team: Cc.Cala D'Or [A. Lopez and J. Couto]
Jose Manuel Couto BTT
Angel Lopez BTT
Team: Trotadors D'Algaida [J. Sastre and B. Capella]
Juan Sastre BTT
Bernat Capella BTT
Team: Mou-Te En Bici [M. Mas and X. Quetglas]
Xisco Quetglas BTT
Mateo Mas BTT
Team: Javier I Joan [J. Lliteras and J. Cercos]
Joan Lliteras BTT
Javier Cercos BTT
Team: No Mos Hem De Fer Mal Team [F. Alvarez and M. Pascual]
Federico Alvarez BTT
Melchor Pascual BTT
Team: No Mestressismtb [J. Fernández and M. Esteller ]
Javito Fernández BTT
Miguel Angel Esteller BTT
Team: T. Lliteras and J. Gomila
Toni Lliteras BTT
Juan Sebastian Gomila BTT
Team: Club Ciclista Sa Indioteria [E. Jiménez and N. Pizá]
Emilio Jiménez BTT
Nicolau Pizá BTT
Team: Live A Block [R. Nadal and A. Vich]
Rafael Nadal BTT
Abdon Vich BTT
Team: S. Darder and T. Font
Simon Darder BTT
Toni Font BTT
Team: No Mestressismtb [C. Flaquer and C. Aguilar]
Clemente Juan Flaquer BTT
Cati Aguilar BTT
Team: Pixi Desencadenado [F. Mir and J. Mascaro]
Fernando Mir BTT
Jaime Mascaro BTT
Team: Malalts Turmell - Bicis Sancho [S. Rigo and B. Ballester]
Sebastia Rigo BTT
Biel Ballester BTT
Team: Anam A Mollar Cames [A. Muñoz and J. Fernandez]
Albert Muñoz BTT
Jose Antonio Fernandez BTT
Team: Binerbo Team [L. Mesquida and T. Mestre ]
Leandro Mesquida BTT
Tomeu Mestre BTT
Team: Sa Cadencia-Btt Sant Joan [A. Bauza and J. Roig Roig]
Arnau Bauza BTT
Juan Pedro Roig Roig BTT
Team: Braus [D. Muntaner and P. Amengual]
David Muntaner BTT
Pere Amengual BTT
Team: Training Fit Artà [C. Cano and J. Sansó]
César Cano BTT
Joan Sansó BTT
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