III Duatló Invertit de Nadal 2012

Registrations Made

III Duatló Invertit de Nadal 2012
  • Date: 23/12/2012
  • Duatlón
  • Mallorca
  • Time: 10:30
  • Registered:
  • Organiza: Agrupació Esportiva Manacor
  • Fee:
    15 €
    12 € *
    * Precio con chip amarillo
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III Duatló Invertit de Nadal 2012

Registrations Made

Athletes signed up

Below you can see the list of all those signed up for the competition. There are currently athletes signed up for this competition.


  Name Year Gender Club Category
Team: J. Duran and J. Bordoy
Joan Bordoy BTT
Jaume Duran Carrera
Team: J. Grimaldo and A. Gomila
Antoni Gomila BTT
Jose Antonio Grimaldo Carrera
Team: Hay Que Atacar [M. Martin and J. Capó]
Jaume Capó BTT
Marisol Martin Carrera
Team: Malalts De Turmell [T. Llinas and T. Lliteres ]
Toni Llinas BTT
Toni Lliteres Carrera
Team: Ningú Entrena [L. Llull and H. Aguiar]
Lorenzo Llull BTT
Hugo Aguiar Carrera
Team: Uff... Kina Putada... [G. Nebot and M. Servera]
Gabriel Nebot BTT
Marga Servera Carrera
Team: R. Gaia and T. Gayà
Rafel Gaia BTT
Toni Joan Gayà Carrera
Team: C.A Campos [M. Perello and M. Estelrich]
Miquel Perello BTT
Miquel Àngel Estelrich Carrera
Team: P. Juan and B. Ballester
Biel Ballester BTT
Pere Juan Carrera
Team: Team Bycicle [S. Amengual and J. Ramis]
Joan Pau Ramis BTT
Sebastià Vicenç Amengual Carrera
Team: G. Coll Fiol and A. Comas
Gabriel Coll Fiol BTT
Antoni Comas Carrera
Team: T. Adrover and M. Artigues
Miquel Jaume Artigues BTT
TOMEU Adrover Carrera
Team: Sport Trot Man [J. Bassa and J. Mas ]
Juan Luis Mas BTT
Jaime Bassa Carrera
Team: S. Duran and A. Riera
Albert Riera BTT
Sebastia Duran Carrera
Team: Bicis Sancho [T. Pascual and J. Isern]
Toni Pascual BTT
Jaime Isern Carrera
Team: J. Sancho and M. Garcia
Marga Garcia BTT
Juan Sancho Carrera
Team: M.Boncea Y T. Pol [T. Pol and M. Boncea]
Toni Pol BTT
Maria Boncea Carrera
Team: J. Font and J. Oliver
Jaume Oliver BTT
Jaime Font Carrera
Team: J. Campins and J. Mulet
Jordi Mulet BTT
Josep Campins Carrera
Team: Ningú Entrena [T. Jaume and C. Garcia]
Tomeu Jaume BTT
Celia Garcia Carrera
Team: A. Muñoz and J. Riera
Albert Muñoz BTT
Juan Carlos Riera Carrera
Team: J. Binimelis and M. Forteza
Juan Binimelis BTT
Magdalena Forteza Carrera
Team: B. Galmes and E. Llull
Bernat Galmes BTT
Elena Llull Carrera
Team: Coanegra [N. Rossello and B. Comas]
Bernat Comas BTT
Narciso Rossello Carrera
Team: A. Cobacho and M. Capó
Miquel Capó BTT
Andres Jesus Cobacho Carrera

Athletes signed up

  Number Name Club Year Gender Category
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