Federación de Triatlón (FETRIB) / (FETRI)
Below you can see the list of all those signed up for the competition. There are currently athletes signed up for this competition.
Name | Year | Gender | Club | Category | ||||||||||
Team: Cyclingme_Bimont Team [R. Guillén , J. Mas and T. Tugores ]
Team: G. Mora and A. Aragunde
Team: C.E. I´Mpossible 365 [F. Zambrano, M. Febrer and R. Hernáez León]
Team: P. Ripoll, L. Torrens and M. Rosselló
Team: Familia Orts [M. Orts, C. Orts and D. Orts]
Team: Proturhotels 2 [S. Galmés, A. Gutiérrez and J. Regalado]
Team: Proturhotels 3 [T. Ginard, F. Alfonso and M. Serrano]
Team: Proturhotels 4 [B. Ibáñez, C. Rollan and C. Nieto]
Team: Ladrillos Team [P. Schidlo and J. Díaz]
Team: Proturhotels 5 [C. Valdéz, D. Gutierrez and M. Muga]
Team: No Entenim Ni Percomençar [A. Miquel, G. Mascaro and J. Mendoza]
Team: Raquel Garcia Equip [R. García , D. Gomez and M. Homar]
Team: Intelliegent Interval Mallorca [P. Piña, A. Gonzalez and T. López]
Team: Con Un Par Taldea [C. Castro, J. Arrese and A. De Jesús Hernández]
Team: Niza Revival 40'S [P. Carmona and C. Ballesteros]
Team: Physio-Run Guiem Duran [M. Febrer, T. Mira and M. Pastor]
Team: Team Sancho [J. Binimelis, M. Dominguez and A. Lopera]
Team: M. Escofet, J. Soto and A. Sánchez
Team: Tramuntana Triatló Femení [A. Gonzalez, I. Cirer and M. Ramon]
Team: Proturhotels 1 [M. Vázquez , R. Cruz and P. Ginard]
Team: Jc-Trisport [A. Soler, I. Quetglas and L. Morro]
Team: Club Triatlo Pollença [E. Galindo, J. Ramon and M. Campos ]