Below you can see the list of all those signed up for the competition. There are currently athletes signed up for this competition.
Name | Year | Gender | Club | Category | |||||||
Team: Club Ciclista Felanitx [V. Aceituno and J. Aceituno ]
Team: Cdc Manacorí [A. Marti and T. Lliteras]
Team: Jo&Bikes [B. Matas and E. Ciron]
Team: Quin Calent [A. Muñoz and J. Gaya]
Team: Antoni Gelabert Penya Ciclista [E. Arjona and G. Padilla]
Team: Axterix Y Obelix [J. Garcia and T. Jaume]
Team: S'Escapada Team [I. Amengual and A. Vich]
Team: Cedarpower [J. Galiano and M. Astorga Salvador]
Team: Mancor Team [A. Bestard and A. Llabres]
Team: Ferrobikers Locos Team [C. Barcelo and M. Adrover]
Team: Sancho Boys [P. Ginard and F. Nicolau]
Team: The Avengers [A. Corrales and X. Cañellas]
Team: Claclaina [T. Barceló and C. Ballester]
Team: Fang&Pols [J. Cercos and J. Lliteras]
Team: Son Mesquidassa 2020 [B. Alomar and V. Simmerock ]
Team: Su-Atges Team [M. Pou and J. Pascual ]