XII Duatlo de Nadal 2021

Registrations Made

XII Duatlo de Nadal 2021
  • Date: 19/12/2021
  • Duatlón
  • Mallorca
  • Location: Poligon Industrial de Manacor
  • City: Manacor
  • Time: 10:30
  • Registered:
  • Start Reg.: 09/11/2021 15:00
  • Limit: 18/12/2021 21:00
  • Organiza: Agrupació Esportiva Manacor
  • Fee:
    19 €
    17 € *
    * Precio con chip amarillo
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Esta competición se rige por las normas de la Federación:

Federación de Triatlón (FETRIB) / (FETRI)

The athletes who participate in this competition and are not federated for 2025, will have to pay an extra fee of 5.00 &euro for a day licence.

XII Duatlo de Nadal 2021

Registrations Made

Athletes signed up

Below you can see the list of all those signed up for the competition. There are currently athletes signed up for this competition.


  Name Year Gender Club Category
Team: Mou-Te Running Club [B. Tristancho Saez and G. Duran]
Guiem Duran Carrera
Benja Tristancho Saez Carrera 4000 m.
Team: Mou-Te Running Club Women [A. Marti and C. Jaume]
Catalina Jaume Carrera
Aina Marti Carrera 4000 m.
Team: Los 2 Mosqueteros [F. Bareiss and J. Forteza]
Joan Forteza Carrera
Felix Bareiss Carrera 4000 m.
Team: A. Barceló and M. Ginard
Adria Barceló Carrera
Martí Ginard Carrera 4000 m.
Team: Loga [A. Gallardo and A. Lozano]
Aina Lozano Carrera
Alex Gallardo Carrera 4000 m.
Team: Infineathai [M. Deyá and M. Marmol]
Maria Magdalena Deyá Carrera 4000 m.
Manel Marmol BTT 20 Km.
Team: Valentinos [J. Riera and S. Lopez]
Sergi Lopez Carrera 4000 m.
Joan Riera BTT 20 Km.
Team: Nhoa Estilista [A. González and B. Cantallops]
Bartolomé Cantallops Carrera
Ana González Carrera 4000 m.
Bartolomé Cantallops BTT 20 Km.
Team: Los Apañaos [C. Labrador and M. Moreno]
Miguel Angel Moreno Carrera 4000 m.
Cristobal Labrador BTT 20 Km.
Team: Grup Esportiu Caldentey [R. Galletero and J. Pou]
Rafel Galletero Carrera 4000 m.
Joan Toni Pou BTT 20 Km.
Team: Pupilos Team [P. Nolla and M. Pujol]
Pep Nolla Carrera 4000 m.
Miquel Pujol BTT 20 Km.
Team: J. Lliteras and M. Bover
Maria Bover Carrera 4000 m.
Joan Lliteras BTT 20 Km.
Team: Picapiedras [B. Morey and J. Pascual]
Bernat Morey Carrera 4000 m.
Jaime Pascual BTT 20 Km.
Team: Los Beltran Aupa !!!! [A. Beltrán and S. Deya]
Sebasatia Deya Carrera 4000 m.
Aina Beltrán BTT 20 Km.
Team: M. Zarcos and X. Verd
Marina Zarcos Carrera 4000 m.
Xavier Verd BTT 20 Km.
Team: Mitx I Mitx [G. Bordoy and T. Mascaro]
Tomeu Mascaro Carrera 4000 m.
Guillem Bordoy BTT 20 Km.
Team: D. Navarro and J. Binimelis
Daniel Navarro Carrera 4000 m.
Jaime Binimelis BTT 20 Km.
Team: Bicis Sancho [S. Sureda and M. Gomila]
Sebastian Sureda Carrera 4000 m.
Maria Magdalena Gomila BTT 20 Km.
Team: B. Gelabert and A. Llompart
Bartolome Gelabert Carrera 4000 m.
Antoni Llompart BTT 20 Km.

Athletes signed up

  Number Name Club Year Gender Category
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