VI Bunyola Xtrem Dual BTT 2022

Registrations Made

VI Bunyola Xtrem Dual BTT 2022
  • Date: 27/03/2022
  • Open BTT
  • Mallorca
  • City: Bunyola
  • Time: 09:30
  • Registered:
  • Start Reg.: 07/03/2022 20:00
  • Limit: 25/03/2022 22:00
  • Fee:
    25 €
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Esta competición se rige por las normas de la Federación:

Federació de Ciclisme IB 2022

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VI Bunyola Xtrem Dual BTT 2022

Registrations Made

Athletes signed up

Below you can see the list of all those signed up for the competition. There are currently athletes signed up for this competition.


  Name Year Gender Club Category
Team: Que Pim Que Pam [M. Gonzalez and J. Galiano ]
Miquel Angel Gonzalez BTT 44 Km.
Juan Galiano BTT 44 Km.
Team: Qromia [S. Calafell and F. Navalon]
Sebastian Calafell BTT 44 Km.
Francisco Navalon BTT 44 Km.
Team: Los Verdes [S. Ravina and J. Arambalzavalverde]
Sergio Ravina BTT 44 Km.
Jon Ander Arambalzavalverde BTT 44 Km.
Team: Su-Atges&Ermassets [D. Ramis and F. Homar]
Dani Ramis BTT 44 Km.
Francesc Homar BTT 44 Km.
Team: A. Barcelo and J. Palacios
Antoni Barcelo BTT 44 Km.
Jose Luis Palacios BTT 44 Km.
Team: Rodadors Race Team [M. Pou and J. Pascual ]
Miquel Pou BTT 44 Km.
Javier Onofre Pascual BTT 44 Km.
Team: Club Ciclista Sa Indioteria [E. Jiménez and N. Pizá]
Emilio Jiménez BTT 44 Km.
Nicolau Pizá BTT 44 Km.
Team: Cyclocharradeta [J. Piza and R. Bisquera]
Jordi Piza BTT 44 Km.
Rafael Bisquera BTT 44 Km.
Team: Reynés Team [S. Casasnovas and J. Moragues]
Sebastia Casasnovas BTT 44 Km.
Juan Miguel Moragues BTT 44 Km.
Team: Rapha / Vas Team [D. Martorell and J. Pascual]
Daniel Martorell BTT 44 Km.
Jose Pascual BTT 44 Km.
Team: Ca S’Arrose [B. Escales and J. Garau]
Biel Escales BTT 44 Km.
Joan Garau BTT 44 Km.
Team: Primos-Amigos [M. Bedmar and A. Pérez]
Miguel Ángel Bedmar BTT 44 Km.
Amancio Jesús Pérez BTT 44 Km.
Team: A Rodar [M. Vicens and J. Ortiz]
Maties Vicens BTT 44 Km.
Juan Ortiz BTT 44 Km.
Team: C. Clisma Mancor De La Vall [G. Campaner and M. Llabrés ]
Guillem Campaner BTT 44 Km.
Miquel Llabrés BTT 44 Km.
Team: Mancor Team [A. Bestard and A. Llabres]
Antoni Bestard BTT 44 Km.
Antonio Llabres BTT 44 Km.
Team: Team Sancho [S. Sureda and E. Pascual]
Sebastian Sureda BTT 44 Km.
Esteve Pascual BTT 44 Km.
Team: The Brothers [J. Gonzalez and J. Gonzalez]
Josemi Gonzalez BTT 44 Km.
Javier Gonzalez BTT 44 Km.
Team: Team Tomatiga Seca [P. Barcelo and P. Mestre]
Pau Barcelo BTT 44 Km.
Pep Toni Mestre BTT 44 Km.
Team: Niuwave Team 1 [M. Ferrer and J. Ferrer]
Jordi Ferrer BTT 44 Km.
Miquel Ferrer BTT 44 Km.
Team: Gobik-Sancho [T. Pascual and P. Ginard ]
Pere Ginard BTT 44 Km.
Toni Pascual BTT 44 Km.
Team: Es Mureros [J. Salamanca and J. Cladera]
Jaime Salamanca BTT 44 Km.
Juan José Cladera BTT 44 Km.
Team: S'escapada Bis [J. Molinero and G. Solé]
Juan Molinero BTT 44 Km.
Gerard Solé BTT 44 Km.
Team: S’ESCAPADA [A. Álvarez and I. Amengual]
Abdón Álvarez BTT 44 Km.
Isidre Amengual BTT 44 Km.
Team: ES PEDAL/JOVES [R. Llado and J. Cañellas]
Rafel Llado BTT 44 Km.
Joan Cañellas BTT 44 Km.
Team: ES PEDAL LIGHT [J. Llobet and F. Jorajuria ]
Joan Marc Llobet BTT 44 Km.
Fco Javier Jorajuria BTT 44 Km.

Athletes signed up

  Number Name Club Year Gender Category
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