10/5 Milles Ciutat de Maó 2022

Competition Data

  • Date: 28/05/2022
  • Running
  • Menorca
  • City: Maó
  • Time: 18:00
  • Registered:
  • Limit: 26/05/2022 23:59
  • Organiza: Unisport Consulting J
  • Fee:
    Price structure
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10/5 Milles Ciutat de Maó 2022

Competition Data

UNISPORT CONSULTING S.L., organiza el próximo día 28 de mayo de 2022, la 7ª edición de las “10 MILLAS & 5 MILLAS CIUTAT DE MAÓ”, cuya salida se dará a las 18:00 horas en la Fortaleza de La Mola (Port de Maó) para los corredores de 10 Millas y en la Urb. de Cala Llonga, en el Passeig dels Mariners (Parque), para los corredores de 5 Millas.


28 de mayo de 2022



UNISPORT CONSULTING S.L. is organising on May 28th, 2022, the 7th edition of the “10 MILES & 5 MILES MAÓ CITY”, which will start at 6 p.m. in the Fortress of La Mola (Port de Maó) for the runners of the 10 Miles and at Cala Llonga Park (Passeig dels Mariners street) for the runners of the 5 Miles. There is just one Finishing Line and it will be placed in the Port de Maó (Estación Marítima Cruceros – Maritime Station of Maó).


-   10 Miles (16.090 km)

-     5 Miles (8.045 km)


The online deadline for registrations will be the May 26th, 2022, on the website of the event www.carreramao.com

Last-minute registrations, if possible, will be available at the race number collection area: Decathlon Maó – Menorca Shop, Av. d’Europa, 3 –07714 Maó, on Friday May 27th, 2022 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.

The minimum age to take part in the 10 MILES MAÓ CITY race is 18 years old on the day of the race. The minimum age to take part in the 5 MILES MAÓ CITY race is 16 years old on the day of the race.

For the under-18s it is essential to have authorisation from their parent/guardian when collecting their race number. Please, download form from the website.

Registration for the race implies full acceptance of these regulations.


  • 10 Miles (16,090 km)
    •   Until April 30th, 2022                 €20 + €1 insurance for non-federated runners (+€2 chip rental*)
    •   From May 1st to 26th, 2022       €25 + €1 insurance for non-federated runners (+€2 chip rental *)
    •   Last-minute registration**      €35 + €1 insurance for non-federated runners (+€2 chip rental *)
  •   5 Miles (8,045 km)
    •   Until April 30th, 2022                 €15 + €1 insurance for non-federated runners (+€2 chip rental *)
    •   From May 1st to 26th, 2022       €20 + €1 insurance for non-federated runners (+€2 chip rental *)
    •   Last-minute registration**      €25 + €1 insurance for non-federated runners (+€2 chip rental *)

* Participants who do not own a chip must rent a white chip when registering (€2), which will be provided to them when they collect their race number. (Don't forget to return the chip on finish line.)

** Only face-to-face registrations will be made if there are spots available on May 27, 2022.

In this edition, € 2 from each inscription will be allocated to the AECC- Spanish Association against Cancer.

Registration is considered final and it is not possible to replace one athlete with another.

Registration refund policy:

- Until April 15th, 2022 , REFUND of 50% of the registration is possible.

-  From April 16th to May 15th, 2022 REFUND of 30% of the registration is possible.

-  From May 16th, 2022 no refunds will be possible under any circumstance.

If for any reason, contrary to the will of the Organization: health pandemics, terrorist acts, climatic circumstances, traffic accidents or cuts in sections of circuits, denial of government authorization for any cause or pretext, etc., the race cannot be carried out on the scheduled date, at the request of the participant, the Organization will refund 75% of the registration fee. The remaining 25% will remain in the possession of the organization to cover the management costs of each participant, such as bank fees, insurance, preparation of race numbers or other expenses incurred for the registration.

If the race is postponed, the participant may also choose to save the total amount of their registration and keep it open for the new date.

Services included in the registration:

-      Commemorative gift of the race

-      FINISHER medal

-      Other services for the athlete:

       Food and water during the race

       Food and water after the race


       Medical services

       Bus transportation to the starting line


All participants, at all times, must protect themselves and others from possible infections of COVID-19, so that while moving in the designated areas of race number collection, transfers, access to start line and later in the post-finish area, they will use an approved mask and will wear it properly placed. They will obligatorily maintain, whenever possible, the safety distance of 1.5 meters of separation with the other participants, organizational staff, public, etc.

Failure to comply with these requirements, the organization could make decisions such as not letting you participate in the event.

It is also reported that some points of these regulations may be modified to follow the safety rules set by the health authorities, at the time of the race. 


Friday May 27th

-      5 p.m. – 8 p.m. – Decathlon Maó – Menorca, Av. d’Europa, 3 – 07714 Maó

  •        Collection of numbers
  •        Last-minute registrations (if there are registrations available)

Saturday May 28th

-      10 a.m. – 2 p.m. - Decathlon Maó – Menorca Shop

  •        Collection of numbers
  •        This day there will be no last-minute registrations available.


  - 4 – 4.45 p.m. - Estació Marítima Cruceros (Maritime Station of Maó)

  •        Collection of race numbers
  •        This day there will be no last-minute registrations available.

-      5 p.m. - Parking lot of the Maritime Station of Maó

  •      Bus depart for the 10 miles race

-      5.15 p.m. - Parking lot of the Maritime Station of Maó

  •      Bus depart for the 5 miles race

-      6 p.m. – Fortress of La Mola

  •        Start 10 MILES MAÓ CITY

-      6 p.m. – Cala Llonga (Park) (Passeig dels Mariners street)

  •        Start 5 MILES MAÓ CITY

-      6.25 p.m. – FINISHING LINE Maritime Station of Maó

  •        Expected arrival first finishers 5 Miles.

-      7 p.m. – FINISHING LINE Sea Stations Cruises

  •        Expected arrival first finishers 10 Miles.

-      From 7.30 p.m. – TROPHY CEREMONY 10 & 5 MILES MAÓ CITY.

-      8 p.m. - CLOSING FINISHING LINE. Any runner who has not crossed the finishing line in this time range will be disqualified.

-      8.30 p.m. - Maximum time to collect items in the cloakroom

Refreshment: water at the following kilometre points and on the finishing line.

  • 10 Miles: 1st point – 3.61 miles (5,800 m), 2nd point – 7.15 miles (11,500 m), 3rd point FINISH LINE
  • 5 Miles: 1st point – 2.12 miles (3,400 m) - 2nd point FINISH LINE


This will be carried out with a chip. Participants who have a yellow chip may use it, please enter the code in the registration form on the website.

Participants who do not own a chip must rent a white chip when registering (€2), which will be provided to them when they collect their race number. (Don't forget return the chip on finish line.)

That must be placed on the shoe (shoe-laces/velcro adhesive), not more than 30 cm from the ground to ensure proper timekeeping. If the participant does not have a chip or it is incorrectly attached the race time cannot be properly recorded.


Decathlon Maó – Menorca Shop, Av. d’Europa, 3 – 07714 Maó

Friday May 27th from 5 p.m. – 8 p.m. – collection of number and last-minute registration.

Saturday May 28th from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. – Collection of numbers (This day there will be no last-minute registrations).

Maritime Station of Maó (FINISH LINE)

Saturday May 28th from 4 – 4.45 p.m. – Collection of numbers (This day there will be no last-minute registrations).

To collect your race number, you must have an official ID document (ID, passport, driver’s license).

To collect the number, federated athletes will have to provide the original copy of their license. If your federation does not provide you with a license document, you must provide a certificate from the corresponding federation. Only athletics federated members are allowed.

The participant unable to go in person to withdraw their number may authorise another person. There is a form which the authorised person must bring, duly filled out, along with their ID card and a photocopy of the participant’s ID. This document can be downloaded from the website.


The Organisation will make available to the participants, with prior notification on the registration form, a transport service to the starting line.

All participants, along with their number, will be given the ticket for boarding the bus.

The bus for the 10 Miles race will depart at 5 p.m. from the parking lot of the Maritime Station of Maó.

The starting line of 10 Miles, in the Fortaleza de la Mola, has parking for private cars, however it is useful to know that the road to la Mola will be closed from 5 p.m. and in case someone does not leave the Mola before the start, then should wait after the race line.

The bus for the 5 Miles race runners will leave at 5.15 p.m. from the Maritime Station of Maó.

The organization strongly recommends using the free transportation (for participants only) that is provided for this purpose as the road will suffer major traffic restrictions, from the Finish line to both Starting Lines.


Classifications will be made for each of the categories listed:

-      General classification men 10 Miles & 5 Miles

-      General classification women 10 Miles & 5 Miles

The following classifications according to the age of the participants in 10 miles and 5 miles (all the winners will receive a trophy):

-          Juvenile male & female (born in 2005 & 2006) (16 – 17 inclusive) *(only 5 miles)

-          Junior male & female (born in 2003 & 2004) (18 – 19 inclusive)

-          Promising male & female (born between 2000 & 2002) (20 – 22 inclusive)

-          Senior male & female (born between 29/05/87 & 31/12/1999) (23 – 34 inclusive)

-      M35/W35 (born between 29/05/82 al 28/05/87) (35 – 39 inclusive)

-      M40/W40 (born between 29/05/77 al 28/05/82) (40 – 44 inclusive)

-      M45/W45 (born between 29/05/72 al 28/05/77) (45 – 49 inclusive)

-      M50/W50 (born between 29/05/67 al 28/05/72) (50 – 54 inclusive)

-      M55/W55 (born between 29/05/62 al 28/05/67) (55 – 59 inclusive)

-      M60/W60 (born between 29/05/57 al 28/05/62) (60 – 64 inclusive)

-      M65/W65 (born before 29/05/57)


All the classifications are the sole and exclusive responsibility of the Committee of Judges and Timekeepers of the FAIB (Athletics Federation of the Balearic Islands).

TROPHIES: The following runners will be receiving trophies

10 Miles:

o  The first classified in the male General Classification will receive a trophy and 10 Kg of DO Mahón- Menorca Cheese.

o   The first classified in the female General Classification will receive a trophy and 10 Kg of DO Mahón-Menorca Cheese.

o  Trophy for the 2nd and 3rd classified in the male General Classification.

o  Trophy for the 2nd and 3rd classified in the female General Classification.

o  Trophy to the 1st classified, male & female of each Category by age.

5 Miles:

o  The first classified in the male General Classification will receive a trophy and 5 Kg of DO Mahón- Menorca Cheese.

o   The first classified in the female General Classification will receive a trophy and 5 Kg of DO Mahón-Menorca Cheese.

o  Trophy for the 2nd and 3rd classified in the male General Classification.

o  Trophy for the 2nd and 3rd classified in the female General Classification.

o  Trophy to the 1st classified, male & female of each Category by age.


At the starting area, there will be a cloakroom service available for bags to keep participating athletes' belongings safe. Items can be collected at the finishing line with the participant's race number.

The bag must be closed and identified with the label that will be provided by the organisation, together with the number. Only one bag per participant is allowed.

The cloakroom will remain open until 15 minutes before the race (5.45 p.m.). Participants are encouraged to attend the race only with the items that are strictly necessary.

The organisation is not responsible for any personal belongings left in the cloakroom.

All belongings must be collected before 8:30 p.m. on the day of the race. MEDICAL SERVICES:

There will be a doctor responsible for this service.

Each runner participates under his or her own full responsibility and states that they have sufficient physical fitness to compete in the race. The Organisation recommends that all runners undertake a medical check-up and/or test of strength before running in the race.


There will be a service at the back of the race in each event and at the finish line.


All officially registered participants who have claimed to be federated, will be participating under the insurance coverage and conditions of the Athletics Federation of their autonomous community. Athletes who have not claimed to be federated and therefore have contracted race insurance, will be covered by the policy arranged by the organization, which will cover accidents that may occur as a direct consequence of the development of the event, but never as a derivation of a disease or latent defect, injury, imprudence, negligence, non-observance of the laws and the articles of the regulation, etc., nor those produced in the displacements to and from the place where the race takes place.

The Organisation denies all liability for damages that the participants may suffer from or cause to third parties, hours after their participation in the race.

When going to collect the race number, athletes who have claimed to be federated, will have to provide the original license. In case your federation does not provide you with a license document, you will have to provide a certificate from the corresponding federation. Only federated in athletics are admitted.


Considering that I have done my registration for 7th 10 MILES & 5 MILES MAÓ CITY I promise to abide by the rules that govern the race and the rules of the race management and I accept the rules found on the web page of the organisation.

I hereby:

       State that I am solely responsible for all my possessions and sports equipment during the race and its collateral activities.

       I confirm and verify that I am physically prepared and sufficiently trained for this competition and that I have trained sufficiently and have passed the appropriate medical examinations. Being physically well prepared for the competition, I am in general good health, without any illness, physical defect or injury that may worsen with my participation in this race. If during the race I suffer some type of injury or any other circumstance that may seriously harm my health, I will inform the Organisation as soon as possible.

       I accept receiving at my own cost the medical treatment in case it should be necessary due to injury, accident and/or illness during the race. I therefore attend at my own free will and initiative, assuming fully the risks and consequences arising from my participation.

       I allow the free use of my name and any image in any publication or means of communication taken during the race.

       I free the organisation, directors of the event, collaborators, sponsors and volunteers of the race of any liability or claim by me, including any direct or indirect damages or injury and cases of death. It is not applicable if the damage or injury is due to the improper action or negligence by the organisation.

       I possess the physical capacity, technical ability and sufficient resources for survival to ensure my own safety, under the conditions of autonomy in which the race takes place.

       I understand and promise to comply with the rules and safety regulations established by the Organisation for the race, as well as behaving responsibly in order not to increase the risks to my physical or psychological integrity. I will follow the instructions and abide by the decisions taken by those responsible for the Organisation (judges, doctors and organisers) in matters of safety.

       I authorise the Medical Services of the race to undertake any cure or diagnostic test on me that may be necessary, whether or not I am in conditions to ask for it; before their requirements I promise to abandon the race if they consider it necessary for my health.

       My number is personal and non-transferable so that no other participant or person may wear it instead of me.

       I know that the organiser reserves the right of admission or not of any participant, even after having paid the subscription fees which will be refunded to me on not being admitted.

       I promise to follow the general guidelines respecting the environment:

a)  Move prudently along the circuit of the race.

b)  Not cause disturbances in the natural processes and functioning of the ecosystems.

c)  Not harm the biotic, geological and cultural resources or, in general, the landscape.

d)  Avoid environmentally sensitive areas.

e)   Do one’s physical needs in appropriate places or, in any case, far from points where people pass or gather.

f)   Not throw or abandon objects or solid or liquid waste apart from the places usually placed for their collection.

The organisers reserve the right to change or modify any information referring to the race or cancel it due to reasons of force majeure, publishing it on the official website.

Motorised vehicles or bicycles that do not belong to the organisation are strictly forbidden. Official motorised vehicles or bicycles that follow the race will be visibly identifiable at all times.

The participants accept each clause in these regulations and honestly and honourably promise not to make a false start at the starting line and to cover the full distance before crossing the finishing line.

By registering in the 7th 10 MILES & 5 MILES MAÓ CITY, participants give their consent for the organizer or collaborating companies to take photographic and/or audiovisual files for commercial purposes. The images and/or videos will be exposed in the profiles that the company manages in the various social networks or used for marketing campaigns related to the events that UNISPORT CONSULTING SL and its related companies may carry out.

As established in the Organic Law on the Protection of Personal Data, Law 15/1999 of December 13 (LOPD), this entity informs you that the data obtained in order for the Organisation to manage sporting event, will be included in several mixed files called clients/participants; the entity responsible for these files is UNISPORT CONSULTING S.L. in GREMI SABATERS 21 OFICINA A37 07009 PALMA (ILLES BALEARS).

UNISPORT CONSULTING S.L. is responsible for the processing of personal data provided under your consent and informs you that these data will be treated in accordance with the provisions of current regulations on personal data protection, Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 (GDPR) and the Organic Law (ES) (LOPD), in order to maintain a commercial relationship, and kept as long as there is a mutual interest to maintain the end of the treatment and when it is no longer necessary for that purpose, they will be deleted with measures adequate security measures to guarantee the pseudonymization of the data or the total destruction of the same. The data will not be communicated to third parties, except for legal obligation.

Likewise, it is reported that you can exercise the rights of access, rectification, portability and deletion of your data and those of limitation and opposition to its treatment by contacting UNISPORT CONSULTING S.L. at   GREMI   SABATERS   21   OFFICE   A37   07009   PALMA   (BALEARIC   ISLANDS).   Email:

administracion@unisportconsulting.com and the claim email at www.agpd.es.

Also, pursuant to the purposes of sporting interests for the worldwide promotion, distribution and exploitation of 10 MILES & 5 MILES MAÓ CITY on any device (Internet, advertising, etc.), participants expressly waive, without time limit, in favour of the Organisation, the right to reproduce their name and surname, the participants' position in the general and individual classifications, the category, the sports brand and its image (reproduction of photos during the race, publication of qualifying lists, etc.).

The acceptance of these regulations necessarily implies that the participant authorises the organisers of the 10 MILES & 5 MILES MAÓ CITY to totally or partially record their participation in it, to use their image for the promotion and dissemination of the race in all forms (radio, press, video, photo, DVD, Internet, posters, media, etc.) and gives up all rights to their commercial and advertising use that the Organisation sees fit to run without the participant receiving any financial compensation.

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