Federación de Triatlón (FETRIB) / (FETRI)
Below you can see the list of all those signed up for the competition. There are currently athletes signed up for this competition.
Name | Year | Gender | Club | Category | ||||||||||
Team: Familia Orts [M. Orts, D. Orts and C. Orts]
Team: Team Es 84 [G. Morey, P. Peñaranda and G. Morey]
Team: Full Gas [S. Gallego, M. Pascual and L. Caldentey ]
Team: Urban Training [S. Grey, M. Lamas and B. Tristancho Saez]
Team: P. Juan, S. Massanet and J. Grimalt
Team: Erizos Descarnados [R. Macias, M. Dominguez and J. Egidos ]
Team: Smile-Tortugues Sense Closca [B. Bou and S. Bauza]
Team: Pim Pam Pum [M. Vicens, I. Fuertes and J. Salas]
Team: Arrancats Team [T. Bauza, P. Hernandez and J. Vaquer]
Team: #Artàraces [L. Sanchez, F. Nicolau and L. Sanchez]
Team: Sanchos De Los Buenos [S. Sureda and J. Binimelis]
Team: Peixet I Molinou [M. Gomila and N. Grimalt]
Team: La Que Has Liado Pollito.. [A. Guillen, F. Lopez and C. Pujol]
Team: El Mirlo Blanco Que Reposa En La Rama Del Cerezo [G. Vives and M. Alzina]
Team: Pistons Men [J. Vila and . Murillo]
Team: Human Re-Evolution [A. Mir, C. Comparini and P. Oliver]
Team: Salbutamol Team [J. Alcover, M. Alcover and A. Brempel ]