Price structure
Please see a detailed breakdown of competition registration costs below. For athletes who have a yellow chip, they have a discount of € 3.00 on the price shown in this table.
Individual registration
Route Trail Menorca Camí de Cavalls TMCdC 185 km
193 €
Route PTCN Petit Trail Costa Nord - 58 km
88 €
Route PTCS Petit Trail Costa Sud - 44 km
83 €
Route STCN Short Trail Costa Nord - 27 km
68 €
Route TMCN Trail Menorca Costa Nord -100km
133 €
Route TMCS Trail Menorca Costa Sud - 85 km
123 €
Relay team registration, 185 km race
Route Trail Menorca Camí de Cavalls TMCdC 185 km
268 €
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Elitechip is not constantly checking Facebook conversations. If you have any questions or queries regarding the competition or other issue, please use the
Contact Form so we can reply you in the shortest possible time.