Mitja Marathon XI Illa de Menorca 2011

Competition Data

  • Date: 09/10/2011
  • Running
  • Menorca
  • Location: Plaça des Born
  • City: Ciutadella
  • Time: 09:30
  • Registered:
  • Limit: 07/10/2011 23:59
  • Fee:
    20 €
    17 € *
    * Precio con chip amarillo
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Mitja Marathon XI Illa de Menorca 2011

Competition Data

Fhotos X Mitja Marato 2010

Fhotos X Mitja Marató i IX Cursa Popular 2010

Mitja Marathon photos By Kike Perello Cardona, Susana Salord and Damià Bosch


Article 1. Organization - The Athletics Club Xtrem Menorca, Menorca The Delegation of Federation, the Ministry of Sports of the Consell Insular de Menorca, the City of Ciutadella de Menorca, and the plan for revitalization of the tourism product of Menorca, is organizing the XI Half Marathon " Illa de Menorca ", to be held on 09-October-2011 at 09:30 am.
2 .- Distance - Distances in meters, conformed to the rules of the RFEA and will be the paths corresponding to the half marathon (21,097 meters) approved by the committee of judges meters RFEA
Art.3 .- Tour - The tour will take place on a street circuit along the promenade from the port of Ciutadella Old Town, the start and finish will be located in the Plaza del Born de Ciutadella. This will consist of a circuit of about 7000 meters and will have to do 3 laps to complete the distance of 21097 meters. In the finish area will be located near services (massages, cloakroom, toilets, bar, etc.). The circuit will be completely closed to traffic and marked with cones and tape.
Categories Art.4 .- .- The categories of the Half Marathon XI Illa de Menorca are: formed a category will be considered if there is an entry greater than 3 athletes per category when a category is made  of fewer than 3 athletes this became part of the inferior category age, older than never.

5 .- Minimum Age - The minimum age to participate is 18 years old on the day of the test, and not let any athletes participating minor.
6 .- Classifications - There shall be established classifications; an absolute general, other categories, to determine the winners of each category in order of finish line, another corresponding to the classification of clubs.
7 .- Time - Departure time is at 09:30 hours and the maximum time for the tour is 3 hours
8 .- dorsal Delivery - Delivery of numbers will be made Saturday 8th October 11:00 to 20:00 pm in booth located in the Plaza enable the terminal Ciutadella.
9 .- Registration - Entries have to be made before October 6, 2011, at 21:00, sending the registration form or personal data (name, address, date of birth, telephone number, ID or passport club, a personal best time and under the test) to, or visit the website or can also make entries in stores Xtreme Menorca Ciutadella and INTERSPORT
Article 9.1 .- Price - Price regustration of before 15 august 2011 will be 17,00 €. Between 16 i 31 August 2011, the registration price will be 20,00 €, and 1 setember to  6 October 2011 the registration price will be 25,00 €.
Article 9.2 .- Out of time - All registrations received after 6-Oct-2011 will be priced at € 30
Art.9.3 .- Rental Chips - All athletes who do not own a yellow chip must pay € 3 for rental.
Art.9.4 .- Payment - The payment can be made the same time that you sign up, credit card or by bank transfer to 2051-00094-50-1070005690 for the XI Half Maratón Menorca Island International, and indicating the names of athletes who perform in income. We will not accept entries that are not accompanied by a corresponding receipt. If an entry is made for justifiable reasons and can not participate, the organization will refund 85% of the entry made.
10 .- Gifts Trophies and cash prizes - There will be trophies for the top 5 of the absolute and general category for the first 3 finishers in each category. There will be trophies for the top 3 ranked clubs.
Section 10.1. Cash prizes for top 3 senior level.
Section 10.2. Cash prizes for the top 10 men's category.
Section 10.3. Cash prizes for the top 10 of the female category.
Section 10.4. Cash prizes for top 3 clubs.
Section 10.5. To be eligible for the prize money for the senior level have to be made less time 1h 12 min in the men, and 1h 30 min in the female category. In the absence of the minimum times required, and these awards will only be eligible for prizes in the corresponding category. Prizes are not cumulative.
Section 10.6. The organization may cancel or suspend the prize money from one category, provided that this does not appear a minimum of 10 athletes registered.
Section 10.7. Removing the back is a complimentary T-shirt and other gifts. All athletes who complete the course receive a commemorative gift and participate in a raffle of gifts and sports equipment. Diploma will be held in time and place achieved in the general classification and by categories.
11 .- Security - Security testing will be covered by the relevant authorities in the (Local Police, Civil Protection), and the security service of the organization. The doctor will test and service career of the Red Cross, with two ambulances located in the path of the test.
12 .- Control - The control of the test will be in charge of referees judge RFEA delegate and committee Faiber judges, who will be responsible for monitoring and classifications. Monitoring results will be made by ChampionChip system.

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