Maraton MTB - Bicis Sancho Son Macia 2015

Registrations Made

Maraton MTB - Bicis Sancho Son Macia 2015
  • Date: 07/06/2015
  • Open BTT
  • Mallorca
  • Time: 10:00
  • Registered:
  • Limit: 06/06/2015 20:30
  • Fee: (Price structure)
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Maraton MTB - Bicis Sancho Son Macia 2015

Registrations Made

Athletes signed up

Below you can see the list of all those signed up for the competition. There are currently athletes signed up for this competition.


  Name Year Gender Club Category
Team: Bocs Mtb Mallorca [J. Colomer and J. Colom]
Javier Colomer BTT
Juan Colom BTT
Team: Tomeu I Toni [A. Galmés and T. Vives ]
Antoni Galmés BTT
Tomeu Vives BTT
Team: Team Requena Mixto [J. Galiano and M. Sancho]
Juan Galiano BTT
María Del Mar Sancho BTT
Team: #Masters #Liveablockers [C. Vidal and T. Enseñat ]
Carlos Vidal BTT
Toni Enseñat BTT
Team: Grup Muntanya Gorg-Equip Curses [D. Ramis and S. Ramis]
Samuel Ramis BTT
Dani Ramis BTT
Team: G. Batle and S. Viñals
Gabriel Batle BTT
Salvador Viñals BTT
Team: Xuscletas [T. Bauça and J. Riera]
Juan Daniel Riera BTT
Toni Bauça BTT
Team: G. Santos and M. Mascaro
Gonzalo Santos BTT
Mateu Mascaro BTT
Team: Quintana [J. Vargas and A. Figueroa]
Alejandro Figueroa BTT
Jorge Vargas BTT
Team: Los Pegatinas [M. Llull and S. Amer ]
Miguel Ángel Llull BTT
Sebastián Amer BTT
Team: Globeros Team [A. Cartagena and A. Molina]
Aníbal Cartagena BTT
Antonio Molina BTT
Team: Cc Manacorí [S. Amer and G. Jaume]
Sebastià Amer BTT
Guillermo Jaume BTT
Team: Fora Rodas [I. González and T. Lliteras]
Iván González BTT
Toni Lliteras BTT
Team: Climamut [J. Monraball and M. Mut]
Jose Miguel Monraball BTT
Marcos Mut BTT
Team: Jr Team [J. Martorell and R. Camara]
Jose Antonio Martorell BTT
Raul Camara BTT
Team: Biciarreglo Palma R&J [J. Salmerón and R. Márquez]
Javier Salmerón BTT
Raúl Márquez BTT
Team: Son Macia Team [B. Galmes and M. Vicens ]
Bernat Galmes BTT
Maties Vicens BTT
Team: Club Ciclista Pollensa [S. Gomez and F. Mir]
Sebastian Gomez BTT
Francisco Mir BTT
Team: Ciclos Requena [T. Camarasa and S. López]
Toni Camarasa BTT
Sebastià López BTT
Team: G.E. Ciclos Quintana [P. Quintana and A. Company]
Pedro Quintana BTT
Andres Company BTT
Team: Rc [E. Ramirez and J. Calarco]
Emilio Ramirez BTT
Juan Jose Calarco BTT
Team: Sus Vais A Cagar Team [M. Elias and J. Grimaldo]
Miguel Angel Elias BTT
Jose Antonio Grimaldo BTT
Team: Guerrero-Hernandez [M. Guerrero and D. Hernandez]
Miguel A. Guerrero BTT
David Hernandez BTT
Team: Sa Cadència [J. Mayol and B. Mayol]
Juan Mayol BTT
Bartolome Mayol BTT
Team: Quintana Power 2 [P. Tomas and R. Cabello]
Pau Tomas BTT
Raul Cabello BTT
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