V The Rural Running 2014

Registrations Made

V The Rural Running 2014
  • Date: 21/09/2014
  • Raid
  • Mallorca
  • Time: 12:30
  • Registered:
  • Limit: 18/09/2014 22:00
  • Fee:
    12 €
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V The Rural Running 2014

Registrations Made

Athletes signed up

Below you can see the list of all those signed up for the competition. There are currently athletes signed up for this competition.


  Name Year Gender Club Category
Team: Es Sions [T. Roig, F. Rado, M. Moll and N. Toledo]
Tomeu Roig Carrera
Marta Moll Carrera
Núria Toledo Carrera
Frabcesca Rado Carrera
Team: Telyco Team [P. Bielma, D. González, M. Orfila and I. Nuñez]
Pamela Daniela Bielma Carrera
Daniel González Carrera
Miguel Alejandro Orfila Carrera
Isabel Nuñez Carrera
Team: Flastomia [A. Valenzuela, N. Colom, C. Marroig and L. Garau]
Albert Valenzuela Carrera
Laura Garau Carrera
Cristina Marroig Carrera
Nicolau Colom Carrera
Team: Elsllevamaldecap [J. Rodriguez, M. Beltran, J. De Los Rios and A. Pulgar]
Juan Carlos Rodriguez Carrera
Marga Beltran Carrera
Juanjo De Los Rios Carrera
Alberto Pulgar Carrera
Team: Freemove Crossfit [F. Saul, M. Lucini, B. Gonzalez and C. Linares]
Begoña Gonzalez Carrera
Maria Paz Lucini Carrera
Carlos Linares Carrera
Francisco Saul Carrera
Team: Finalistes 3er Eso [J. Coll, A. Segui, X. Gallardo and M. Ripoll]
Adela Segui Carrera
Joana Maria Coll Carrera
Xisca Gallardo Carrera
Miquel Ripoll Carrera

Athletes signed up

  Number Name Club Year Gender Category Route
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