II Bunyola Xtrem Dual BTT 2017

Registrations Made

II Bunyola Xtrem Dual BTT 2017
  • Date: 26/03/2017
  • Cursa BTT
  • Mallorca
  • City: Bunyola
  • Time: 09:30
  • Registered:
  • Limit: 24/03/2017 23:59
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II Bunyola Xtrem Dual BTT 2017

Registrations Made

Athletes signed up

Below you can see the list of all those signed up for the competition. There are currently athletes signed up for this competition.


  Name Year Gender Club Category
Team: B. Mascaro and J. Mascaro
Jaime Mascaro BTT 48 Km.
Bruno Mascaro BTT 48 Km.
Team: Bj Aluminox Ctc [M. Fernandez and M. De La Torre]
Manuel Fernandez BTT 48 Km.
Manuel De La Torre BTT 48 Km.
Team: Alzamora-Nicolau [M. Alzamora and F. Nicolau]
Mateu Alzamora BTT 48 Km.
Francesc Nicolau BTT 48 Km.
Team: A. Perez and T. Pascual
Anselmo Perez BTT 48 Km.
Tomeu Pascual BTT 48 Km.
Team: Team Anira Bé [A. Barceló and J. Sanchez]
Adrià Barceló BTT 48 Km.
Javier Sanchez BTT 48 Km.
Team: Gipsy Kings [G. Usai and M. Dalmau]
George David Lucian Usai BTT 48 Km.
Miguel Lucas Dalmau BTT 48 Km.
Team: Bimont [A. Vicens and J. Morla]
Antoni Vicens BTT 48 Km.
Juan Morla BTT 48 Km.
Team: Los Pistoleros [I. Gelabert and J. Muñoz]
Jose Muñoz BTT 48 Km.
Isidor Gelabert BTT 48 Km.
Team: M. Mas and P. Mestre
Miguel Mas BTT 48 Km.
Pep Toni Mestre BTT 48 Km.
Team: Ja Ho Veurem [X. Mir and S. Darder]
Xisco Mir BTT 48 Km.
Simon Darder BTT 48 Km.
Team: Team Sancho [S. Sureda and E. Pascual]
Sebastian Sureda BTT 48 Km.
Esteve Pascual BTT 48 Km.
Team: Mediterraneanbike360/Currobike [M. Esteller and J. Fernández]
Miguel Angel Esteller BTT 48 Km.
Javito Fernández BTT 48 Km.
Team: A. Gomila and A. Gelabert
Antoni Gomila BTT 48 Km.
Albert Gelabert BTT 48 Km.
Team: Trotadors D'Algaida [J. Sastre and B. Capella]
Juan Sastre BTT 48 Km.
Bernat Capella BTT 48 Km.
Team: D. Reus and A. Aragunde
Daniel Reus BTT 48 Km.
Adrian Miguel Gerardo Aragunde BTT 48 Km.
Team: Czm+1 [R. Secilla Expósito and M. De Antonio ]
Rafael Secilla Expósito BTT 48 Km.
Marcos De Antonio BTT 48 Km.
Team: Bunyoli Mtb Team [C. Gonzalez and J. Flaquer]
Cristian Javier Gonzalez BTT 48 Km.
Juan sebastian Flaquer BTT 48 Km.
Team: Supertoxic [P. Moncadas and J. Gelabert]
Pedro Moncadas BTT 48 Km.
Joan Gelabert BTT 48 Km.
Team: Tanejos [G. Ferrer and P. Quintana]
Gabriel Ferrer BTT 48 Km.
Pedro Quintana BTT 48 Km.
Team: Parlamento Siclista (Equipo Dolent) [P. Pujol and E. Pujol]
Pedro Pujol BTT 48 Km.
Esteban Pujol BTT 48 Km.
Team: Su-Atge Mou-Te En Bici [X. Quetglas and M. Mas ]
Mateo Mas BTT 48 Km.
Xisco Quetglas BTT 48 Km.
Team: Els Gerrets [L. Navarro and J. Coll]
Lorenzo Navarro BTT 48 Km.
Josep Coll BTT 48 Km.
Team: Pablier [J. Martin and P. Duran]
Javier Martin BTT 48 Km.
Pablo Duran BTT 48 Km.
Team: Team Oliver - San Juan [C. San Juan and P. Oliver]
Pere Oliver BTT 48 Km.
Carlos San Juan BTT 48 Km.
Team: The Ponent Gambers Electric Party [J. Femenia and M. Navarro]
Juan Carlos Femenia BTT 48 Km.
Miguel Navarro BTT 48 Km.
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