IV MTB Berganti Bikes - Mallorca Core Race 2017

Registrations Made

IV MTB Berganti Bikes - Mallorca Core Race 2017
  • Date: 22/09/2017
  • Open BTT
  • Mallorca
  • City: Pla de Mallorca
  • Time: 17:00
  • Registered:
  • Start Reg.: 08/08/2017 12:00
  • Limit: 21/09/2017 21:00
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IV MTB Berganti Bikes - Mallorca Core Race 2017

Registrations Made

Athletes signed up

Below you can see the list of all those signed up for the competition. There are currently athletes signed up for this competition.


  Name Year Gender Club Category
Team: Locomotora Mascaro [J. Mascaro and B. Mascaro]
Jaime Mascaro BTT
Bruno Mascaro BTT
Team: J. Oliver and B. Galmes
Bernat Galmes BTT
Jaume Oliver BTT
Team: M. Mas and O. Ruiz
Miguel Mas BTT
Oscar Ruiz BTT
Team: David'S Team [D. Jordan and D. Serrano]
David Jordan BTT
David Serrano BTT
Team: Moon Patrol Powa [J. Pascual and J. Vilanova]
Jose Pascual BTT
Jaume Vilanova BTT
Team: P. Giménez and A. Oliver
Antoni Oliver BTT
Pau Giménez BTT
Team: Mesquida & Barcelo Team [M. Barcelo and B. Mesquida]
Miquel Angel Barcelo BTT
Bernat Mesquida BTT
Team: Su-Atges Mou-Te En Bici B [G. Torrens and F. Quetglas]
Guillem Torrens BTT
Francisco Quetglas BTT
Team: Los Dalton Team [M. Muñoz and J. Muñoz]
Manuel Muñoz BTT
Juan Muñoz BTT
Team: Toxic Power [G. Ignaci and M. Cuenca]
Miquel Angel Cuenca BTT
Guiem Ignaci BTT
Team: M. Capó and J. Capó
Miquel Capó BTT
Jaume Capó BTT
Team: C.T. Montuiri [J. Verger and J. Bauza]
Joan Verger BTT
Joan Albert Bauza BTT
Team: Grup De Curses Gorg [D. Ramis and J. Estrany]
Dani Ramis BTT
Joan Estrany BTT
Team: Su-Atges [T. Font and S. Darder]
Toni Font BTT
Simon Darder BTT
Team: J. Melià and T. Mestre
Joan Alexandre Melià BTT
Tomeu Mestre BTT
Team: Trotadors D'Algaida [M. Pou and J. Pascual ]
Miquel Pou BTT
Javier Onofre Pascual BTT
Team: Binisboys [A. Vicens and A. Vich]
Antoni Vicens BTT
Abdon Vich BTT
Team: Ctc Bj Aluninox [M. Fernandez and J. Fernandez]
Manuel Fernandez BTT
Juan Antonio Fernandez BTT
Team: Montuiri Team [L. Bauza and R. Miralles]
Lluis Gabriel Bauza BTT
Rafael Miralles BTT
Team: J. Rossello and A. Andreu
Jordi Rossello BTT
Antoni Andreu BTT
Team: Equipo A [T. Jaume and J. Coll]
Tomeu Jaume BTT
Jaume Coll BTT
Team: Sancho Boys [T. Pascual and E. Pascual]
Toni Pascual BTT
Esteve Pascual BTT
Team: G. Nicolau and D. Reus
Gregori Nicolau BTT
Daniel Reus BTT
Team: Trotadors D'Algaida [J. Sastre and B. Capella]
Juan Sastre BTT
Bernat Capella BTT
Team: Club Ciclita Lloret 2 [J. Lladó and J. Pujol]
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