4 Hores Resistencia MTB Puig de Sant Marti 2015

Registrations Made

4 Hores Resistencia MTB Puig de Sant Marti 2015
  • Date: 15/02/2015
  • Open BTT
  • Mallorca
  • Time: 10:00
  • Registered:
  • Limit: 14/02/2015 20:00
  • Fee:
    23 €
    20 € *
    * Precio con chip amarillo
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4 Hores Resistencia MTB Puig de Sant Marti 2015

Registrations Made

Athletes signed up

Below you can see the list of all those signed up for the competition. There are currently athletes signed up for this competition.


  Name Year Gender Club Category
Team: Team Trimtex [B. Joel and J. Ida]
Burman Joel BTT
Jansson Ida BTT
Team: Niner Team [P. Cañellas and J. Viana]
Juan Antonio Viana BTT
Pedro Cañellas BTT
Team: Bous Bufats [A. Barranco and B. Escandellas]
Alejandro Nicolas Barranco BTT
Bartolome Escandellas BTT
Team: J. Aragon and M. Guerrero
Juanan Aragon BTT
Miguel Angel Guerrero BTT
Team: Team Ferrerico [L. Barcelo and B. Noguera ]
Luis Barcelo BTT
Bernat Noguera BTT
Team: Equip Curses Gm Gorg [D. Ramis and S. Ramis]
Dani Ramis BTT
Samuel Ramis BTT
Team: Bicicletas Sancho (Tico Y Malalt) [E. Pascual and J. Rosa ]
José Manuel Rosa BTT
Esteve Pascual BTT
Team: Mou- Te En Bici Alcudia [G. Batle and S. Viñals]
Gabriel Batle BTT
Salvador Viñals BTT
Team: Es Pedal 1 [S. Cañellas and J. Cañellas]
Sebastià Cañellas BTT
Joan Cañellas BTT
Team: Team Merida Hagströmska [M. Johansson and A. Karlsson]
Marcus Johansson BTT
Anton Karlsson BTT
Team: Sancho Boys [T. Pascual and B. Masssanet]
Toni Pascual BTT
Bartomeu Masssanet BTT
Team: Team Rad International [H. Sandner and K. Michael]
Kuttler Michael BTT
Harald Sandner BTT
Team: Oscar-Toni Trotadors Onfintess [A. Amengual and O. Pont]
Antoni Amengual BTT
Oscar Pont BTT
Team: Cdcmanacorí [I. González and G. Gómez]
Iván González BTT
Gonzalo Gómez BTT
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