4 horas resistencia MTB 2×2 ( Son Veri) 2014

Registrations Made

4 horas resistencia MTB 2×2 ( Son Veri) 2014
  • Date: 02/11/2014
  • Open BTT
  • Mallorca
  • Time: 10:00
  • Registered:
  • Limit: 01/11/2014 22:00
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4 horas resistencia MTB 2×2 ( Son Veri) 2014

Registrations Made

Athletes signed up

Below you can see the list of all those signed up for the competition. There are currently athletes signed up for this competition.


  Name Year Gender Club Category
Team: Mallorca Iron Rider [A. Soler Martinez and D. Rayo ]
Alberto Soler Martinez BTT
David Rayo BTT
Team: Son Macia Team [J. Binimelis and M. Vicens ]
Juan Binimelis BTT
Maties Vicens BTT
Team: Father & Son Team [M. Hernández and M. Hernández]
Miquel Antoni Hernández BTT
Miquel Antoni Hernández BTT
Team: Cc Felanitx Balearbike [F. Artigues and M. Gamundi]
Mateu Gamundi BTT
Francesc Artigues BTT
Team: Almodóvar Capo Team [F. Fernández and D. Moreno]
David Moreno BTT
Fermín Fernández BTT
Team: Es Pedal Bunyola 1 [A. Vazquez and P. Gelabert]
Pedro Gelabert BTT
Amadeo Vazquez BTT
Team: Malleolus Team [P. Tomas and J. Moragues Amengual]
Juan Miquel Moragues Amengual BTT
Pau Tomas BTT
Team: Mtb Mallorca [J. Martorell and M. Pou ]
Jose Antonio Martorell BTT
Miquel Pou BTT
Team: M3t-Mallocatraining [G. Alomar and H. Gunther]
Gabriel Alomar BTT
Herman Gunther BTT
Team: C.C.Manacorí [M. Riera and T. Riera]
Tomeu Riera BTT
Miguel Riera BTT
Team: A. Sánchez and P. Ávila
Pedro Jose Ávila BTT
Andrés Sánchez BTT
Team: 2p2 [D. Mariscal and D. Mariscal]
Daniel Mariscal BTT
Dani Mariscal BTT
Team: The Patto´S Family [A. Abraham and J. Abraham]
Alejandro Abraham BTT
Juan Antonio Abraham BTT
Team: Viejos Rockeros Liveablock [A. Tauler and J. Horrach]
Antonio Tauler BTT
Juan Sebastian Horrach BTT
Team: J. Vich and P. Gomila
Jaime Vich BTT
Pedro José Gomila BTT
Team: C.E Triats.Som A Full [S. Rigo and J. Lares-Franco]
Santi Rigo BTT
Jose Lares-Franco BTT
Team: Bous Bufats [A. Barranco and B. Bibiloni]
Alejandro Nicolas Barranco BTT
Benjamin Bibiloni BTT
Team: Es Pedal Bunyola [S. Cañellas and G. Jaume]
Gori Jaume BTT
Sebastià Cañellas BTT
Team: Nautica Gdr [L. Escandell and M. Martín]
Lluis Escandell BTT
Miguel Martín BTT
Team: J. Noguera and F. Homar
Jaume Noguera BTT
Francesc Jaume Homar BTT
Team: Team Aqua [J. Coll and P. Cavaco]
Jaume Coll BTT
Pedro Cavaco BTT
Team: Andratx Bike Team [A. García and R. Tijeras]
Abilio García BTT
Ramon Tijeras BTT
Team: Alcudia Team [M. Boncea and P. Widman]
Maria Boncea BTT
Peter Widman BTT
Team: T. Pascual and E. Pascual
Toni Pascual BTT
Esteve Pascual BTT
Team: D. Ortega and L. Crespi
David Ortega BTT
Lorenzo Crespi BTT
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