I BTT Berganti-Bikes 2014

Registrations Made

I BTT Berganti-Bikes 2014
  • Date: 28/09/2014
  • Open BTT
  • Mallorca
  • Time: 11:00
  • Registered:
  • Start Reg.: 23/09/2014 19:00
  • Limit: 27/09/2014 22:00
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I BTT Berganti-Bikes 2014

Registrations Made

Athletes signed up

Below you can see the list of all those signed up for the competition. There are currently athletes signed up for this competition.


  Name Year Gender Club Category
Team: Makinillas Team [A. Lopez and J. Couto]
Jose Manuel Couto BTT
Angel Lopez BTT
Team: Chivo Y Fideu Duettri&Bikes [G. Fernandez and J. Ríos]
Gabriel Fernandez BTT
Juan Jose Ríos BTT
Team: A. Riera and M. Pascual
Albert Riera BTT
Miquel Pascual BTT
Team: Lluvia De Estrellas [T. Sacarés and D. Mateu]
David Mateu BTT
Toni Sacarés BTT
Team: Team Leones [C. Perelló and M. Quetglas]
Carlos Perelló BTT
Miguel Angel Quetglas BTT
Team: Los Papichulos [J. Porcel and L. Ferrer]
Jose Miguel Porcel BTT
Llorenç Ferrer BTT
Team: Alevin Team [J. Oliver and C. Oliver]
Javier Oliver BTT
Carlos Oliver BTT
Team: Luna Brothers [J. Luna and G. Luna]
Juan Luna BTT
Guillermo Luna BTT
Team: Xqlen [P. Oliver and B. Rigo]
Pedro Oliver BTT
Bartolomé Rigo BTT
Team: Segorbe Junior Team [J. Blanco and J. López]
Josep Blanco BTT
Javier López BTT
Team: J. Aragon and M. Guerrero
Juanan Aragon BTT
Miguel Angel Guerrero BTT
Team: M. Capó and M. Gelabert
Miquel Angel Capó BTT
Marc Gelabert BTT
Team: L. Arce and R. Tijeras
Luis Javier Arce BTT
Ramon Tijeras BTT
Team: Triats.Som [J. Antunez and J. Sanchez]
Jose Maria Antunez BTT
Julio Jose Sanchez BTT
Team: Padel Go In [R. Picó Bennasar and S. Martorell]
Ricardo Picó Bennasar BTT
Santiago Martorell BTT
Team: Team Fullana-Puigros [M. Puigròs and M. Fullana]
Miquel Lluis Puigròs BTT
Margarita Fullana BTT
Team: BIG ALS TEAM [S. López and J. Gomez]
Sebastià López BTT
Jorge Gomez BTT
Team: Viçent Reynes Team [S. Casasnovas and J. Casasnovas]
Sebastia Casasnovas BTT
José Luis Casasnovas BTT
Team: CC LLORET DE VISTALEGRE [J. Pastor and A. Soler]
Jaume Magí Pastor BTT
Adrià Soler BTT
Team: COLUMBIA VIDARAID [J. Arambalza and S. Ravina]
Jon Ander Arambalza BTT
Sergio Ravina BTT
Team: SonTrobat.com [B. Servera and M. Vives]
Biel Servera BTT
Miquel Vives BTT
Team: Oldschool's [M. Jaume and L. Navarro]
Team: Biciarreglopalma-Mallorca Ironriders [A. Luque and A. Valle García]
Alberto Luque BTT
Andrés Valle García BTT
Team: Team Mou-Te En Bici [T. Pol and M. Boncea]
Maria Boncea BTT
Toni Pol BTT
Team: Bastardos Que Dan Cera [J. Fiol and D. Balaguer]
David Balaguer BTT
David Balaguer BTT
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