I Duatlo Cross Son Valls 2013

Registrations Made

I Duatlo Cross Son Valls 2013
  • Date: 02/02/2013
  • Duatlón
  • Mallorca
  • Time: 10:00
  • Registered:
  • Fee:
    14 €
    11 € *
    * Precio con chip amarillo
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I Duatlo Cross Son Valls 2013

Registrations Made

Athletes signed up

Below you can see the list of all those signed up for the competition. There are currently athletes signed up for this competition.


  Name Year Gender Club Category
Team: Mos Entenem O No? [S. Oliver and M. Mas]
Sebastià Oliver Carrera 5000 m.
Miquel Mas BTT 20 Km.
Team: Resvull Team [D. fernandez GARCÍA and A. Cobos]
Adrian Cobos Carrera 5000 m.
DAVID fernandez GARCÍA BTT 20 Km.
Team: B. Artigues and G. Tauler Riera
Gabriel Tauler Riera Carrera 5000 m.
Biel Artigues BTT 20 Km.
Team: Estándar [L. López and M. Sancho]
Leonor López Carrera 5000 m.
María Del Mar Sancho BTT 20 Km.
Team: J. Vivancos and M. Adrover
Joan Pere Vivancos Carrera 5000 m.
Mateu Adrover BTT 20 Km.
Team: N. Rossello and P. Rosselló
Narciso Rossello Carrera 5000 m.
Pep Rosselló BTT 20 Km.
Team: G. Fernandez and J. Olmo
Gori Fernandez Carrera 5000 m.
Jaime Olmo BTT 20 Km.
Team: C. Puigròs and G. Julià
Catalina Puigròs Carrera 5000 m.
Gregori Julià BTT 20 Km.
Team: Ueep Com Enam!!! [J. Capó and M. Martin]
Marisol Martin Carrera 5000 m.
Jaume Capó BTT 20 Km.
Team: Moixos [J. Duran and J. Riera]
Jaume Duran Carrera 5000 m.
Juan Daniel Riera BTT 20 Km.
Team: Sa Riba Club Triatlò [J. Tornero and R. ortega izquierdo]
Josep Antoni Tornero Carrera 5000 m.
Roberto ortega izquierdo BTT 20 Km.
Team: Mou-Te En Bici [M. Mariano and G. Torrens]
Guillem Torrens Carrera 5000 m.
Monserrat Mariano BTT 20 Km.
Team: A. Gomila and J. Grimaldo
Jose Antonio Grimaldo Carrera 5000 m.
Antoni Gomila BTT 20 Km.
Team: Calamars [F. Rojas and D. Rigo]
Francisco Javier Rojas Carrera 5000 m.
Damià Rigo BTT 20 Km.
Team: I. Fuertes and T. Lliteras
Isabel Maria De Fuertes Carrera 5000 m.
Toni Lliteras BTT 20 Km.
Team: P. Juan and M. Vicens
Maties Vicens Carrera 5000 m.
Pere Juan BTT 20 Km.
Team: M&Massatges [F. Mora and B. Mesquida]
Francesc Mora Carrera 5000 m.
Bernat Mesquida BTT 20 Km.
Team: TRIATS-CALDENTEY [J. Martorell and M. Pérez ]
Jose Antonio Martorell Carrera 5000 m.
Manuel Vicente Pérez BTT 20 Km.
Team: Xapadors [B. Bover and M. Rigo]
Miquel Àngel Rigo Carrera 5000 m.
Bernat Bover BTT 20 Km.

Athletes signed up

  Number Name Club Year Gender Category
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