VI Duatlo Popular de Sa Coma 2011

Registrations Made

VI Duatlo Popular de Sa Coma 2011
  • Date: 15/08/2011
  • Duatlón
  • I Challenge de Duatlons d'Estiu 2011  
  • Mallorca
  • Location: Punta den Amer
  • City: S'illot
  • Time: 17:30
  • Registered:
  • Organiza: Agrupació Esportiva Manacor
  • Fee:
    15 €
    13 € *
    * Precio con chip amarillo
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VI Duatlo Popular de Sa Coma 2011

Registrations Made

Athletes signed up

Below you can see the list of all those signed up for the competition. There are currently athletes signed up for this competition.


  Name Year Gender Club Category
Team: M. Mestre and M. Garcias
Maria Dels Angels Mestre Carrera 2500 m.
Miquel Angel Garcias BTT 13 Km.
Team: C.A. Manacor [E. Serra and E. Serra]
Eduard Serra Carrera 2500 m.
Eduard Serra BTT 13 Km.
Team: Why Not? [D. Consuegra Lopez and M. Bosch]
Marta Bosch Carrera 2500 m.
David Consuegra Lopez BTT 13 Km.
Team: Just Just [A. Oliver and B. Barcelo]
Antoni Oliver Carrera 2500 m.
Biel Barcelo BTT 13 Km.
Team: X. Caro and E. Amengual
Eva Amengual Carrera 2500 m.
Xisco Caro BTT 13 Km.
Team: T. Uguet and A. Mestre
Tomeu Uguet Carrera 2500 m.
Antonio Mestre BTT 13 Km.
Team: Estiracames [A. Sansó and J. Artigues]
Jaume Artigues Carrera 2500 m.
Angel Sansó BTT 13 Km.
Team: Ferrerets Tim [T. Palmer and D. Gomáriz]
Dani Gomáriz Carrera 2500 m.
Toni Palmer BTT 13 Km.
Team: Kacauet Torrat Tim [G. Vadell and B. Monserrat]
Gabriel Vadell Carrera 2500 m.
Bernat Monserrat BTT 13 Km.
Team: C. Rollan and B. Servera
Calixto Rollan Carrera 2500 m.
Biel Servera BTT 13 Km.
Team: Jahisomtots [M. Rigo and D. Maimo]
David Maimo Carrera 2500 m.
Marc Rigo BTT 13 Km.
Team: E. Sancho and E. Sancho
Esteve Sancho Carrera 2500 m.
Esteve Sancho BTT 13 Km.
Team: Espenyats [J. Grimalt and S. Duran]
Sebastia Duran Carrera 2500 m.
Juaquin Grimalt BTT 13 Km.
Team: Es Dos Toni'S [T. Lliteres and T. Llinas]
Toni Lliteres Carrera 2500 m.
Toni Llinas BTT 13 Km.
Team: J. Servera and A. Santandreu
Juana Ana Servera Carrera 2500 m.
Andreu Santandreu BTT 13 Km.
Team: Barobar(Barona Y Barrantes) [L. Flaquer and J. Barrantes]
Luciano Flaquer Carrera 2500 m.
Javi Barrantes BTT 13 Km.
Team: M. Romero and P. Hernández
Miguel Angel Romero Carrera 2500 m.
Pep Toni Hernández BTT 13 Km.
Team: E. Seguí and E. Seguí
Esperanza Seguí Carrera 2500 m.
Esperanza Seguí BTT 13 Km.
Team: Sopa De Cabra Team [B. Torres and F. Ferriol]
Francisca Ferriol Carrera 2500 m.
Bernardo Torres BTT 13 Km.
Team: M. Sansó and G. Jaume
Miguel Sansó Carrera 2500 m.
Guillermo Jaume BTT 13 Km.
Team: A. Egidos and J. Riera
Antoni Egidos Carrera 2500 m.
Juan Daniel Riera BTT 13 Km.
Team: C. Galmés and R. Rubiat
Catalina Galmés Carrera 2500 m.
Ricard Rubiat BTT 13 Km.
Team: Hierros Y Aceros [A. Arcas and A. Galmes]
Adrian Arcas Carrera 2500 m.
Antoni Galmes BTT 13 Km.
Team: M. Capó and M. Obrador
Miquel Obrador Carrera 2500 m.
Miquel Capó BTT 13 Km.
Team: G. Duran and P. Colom
Guiem Duran Carrera 2500 m.
Pere Joan Colom BTT 13 Km.

Athletes signed up

  Number Name Club Year Gender Category
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